Page:Hindu Feasts Fasts and Ceremonies.djvu/72

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10. The Mukkoti or Vaikuntha Ekadasi

THE word Ekadasi means the eleventh day of a fortnight, and there are thus two Ekadasis every month. All the twenty-four Ekadasis throughout the year are sacred to a Hindu. Strict fasting and prayer have to be observed throughout the Ekadasi day. The orthodox Hindu bathes early in the morning in a running stream, tank, or well, and goes through a series of prayers. ‘He must not hold any conversation with persons of low caste, with those who have renounced the Hindu religion, with liars, with thieves and others of abandoned character. The company of those who are in the habit of plundering the property of others or temple property must be strictly avoided on the Ekadasi day. The orthodox Hindu observing this fast must raise his eyes towards the sun to expiate the sin of having seen these bad people, if ever he happens to meet them on this day. He should spend his whole time in worshipping Govinda by flowers, fruits, incense and Vedic hymns.