Page:Historia Verdadera del Mexico profundo.djvu/107

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We live where there is only sadness?
Is it true, perhaps it is not true as they say?
Don’t let our hearts grieve.
How much of what they say is really true
What is true or not true there?
You show only inexorable, life giver.
Do not let our hearts grieve."
(Ms. Mexican folk songs.)

The colonizing fallacy, of yesterday and today, in that the ancient grandparents did not have a philosophy, it is part of the disdain and demeaning valuation with which our mother civilization has been "studied" by foreign scholars and that up to date, the invaded civilization is truly unknown to them. The first fundamental step to recover —our own history— indisputably is to know the ancient philosophy, to understand the human development process of seven thousand five hundred years in the Anahuac. Understand how our culture has "concealed” itself to self-protect and survive destruction for five centuries.

"Is it true, life happens with roots on earth?
Not forever on Earth
just a little bit here.
Even if its gold it breaks,
even quetzal feathers
tear apart.
Not forever on Earth,
only a little here".
(Ms. Mexican folk songs.)

Philosophical Levels

It is also important to visualize that the maximum philosophical development of ancient Mexico occurred during the Classical period (200 BCE to 850 CE). This implies that the Anahuac inhabitants had gone through almost seven centuries of decline at the time of the European invasion. So the Toltec philosophy is largely unknown. What little is known today is what remained in the culture and education during the postclassical period.