Page:Historia Verdadera del Mexico profundo.djvu/135

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But at the same time, the ancient grandparents divide human beings into two longitudinal halves, also from the navel. From where we have two parts or sides, the right side or “tonal” associated with the known world, the male part, the day, the Sun, the warm, and specifically rationality. The left side is called "nagual" and is associated to the unknown world, the female part, the night, the cold, the Moon and the intuitive part.

"The first large section of the human body is produced at the height of the navel... It is possible the existence of an ancient comparison between this two part division of the body and some mythical elements. Let us start from a triple correspondence between cosmology, political organization and body division. According to the myth, the original cosmic monster was segmented by the center of its body to this divide the sectors that constituted Earth and sky... The second section of the body is divided into right and left... It should not be surprising that in some cases the supernatural strength of human beings referred to by the gods was thought to be located on the left side of the body... This suggests that, just as the use of the right hand was associated to everyday activities, especially those requiring dexterity, the left was associated more closely to the world of the supernatural... Finally, it is necessary to mention that the focal point of the body, the region of the navel, is one of the most important in magical thinking, linked to the idea of the focal point of the surface of earth, the House of the God of fire, place by which the cosmic axis allowed communication with heaven and the underworld." (Alfredo López Austin. 1980)

The human being is then divided into four parts and represent the four cardinal points or directions of the existence. However, there is a fifth point, a fifth direction: the TOP and BOTTOM. What rises transcending the human plain if it is possible to balance in equilibrium the complementing pair of opposites. And what degrades and falls, if any of the four elements excessively weighs over the other.

The center law or Quincunxe.