Page:Historia Verdadera del Mexico profundo.djvu/142

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Burnt water symbolizes infighting of complementing opposites, like the florid battle. But in a more universal and cosmic way. Not so the flower battle, which is an intimate and personal action of each warrior, that has to do with their "micro universe", where matter inertia leads to the destruction or corruption of the human being, to the extent that he cannot overcome the elements which degrade or corrupt him.

The world and the universe are governed by spiritual universal laws. The dialectic fight of the complementing opposite pair is lived every day and second by second in the entire universe. Day and night, death and life, the cosmic cycle of Venus,[1] the same universal drama. In this sense the universe and human beings are sharing the same existential challenge. For this reason the macehual (commoner) mission can be understood, they are the deserving ones of the Gods sacrifice, not only they have to contribute to support the Fifth Sun, but also to the Gods humanization. Burnt Water is fundamentally a philosophical symbol.

The Toltecáyotl.

The ancient Mexican called Toltecáyotl, to the series of Toltec wisdom and knowledge. The Toltecáyotl probably began with the domestication of plants, agriculture and the invention of the corn eight thousand years ago and has evolved and refined over the centuries. In spite of the fact that the conquistadors of yesterday and the colonizers of today, have tried to deny all capacity and intellectual value to the native peoples and to the children of the sons of the ancient grandparents, wisdom is still alive and has remained, ducking in popular culture during these five centuries. Much of this wisdom has remote origins, and even though we may not understand it, we live with and it is this subtle quality, that makes us different from other peoples and gives us the "touch" of being Mexican. It is what gives us a "Face and own heart".


  1. During a season of the year Venus appears in the morning as the morning star, in another season appears as the evening star and during another time Venus does not appear in the sky.