Page:Historia Verdadera del Mexico profundo.djvu/161

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Such words spoken by Huitzilopochtli, after his victory over Malinalxochitl, to a small group of nude men who departed to conquer the world, mark the beginning of a dramatic human adventure... When they are in contact with other peoples, we shall see them rigorously apply this philosophy of power will.

Late arrivals to the Valley of Mexico, immediately set out to fight for land and political supremacy over tribes that, by virtue of having already taken more civilized customs are surprised by the brutality of the newcomers." (Laurette Séjourné. 1957)

There is a history where supposedly the mexicas left Chicomoztoc, a mythical place of "seven caves" and they were in pilgrimage searching for a promised land, guided by a Messiah born to a virgin mother. The signal was finding an Eagle devouring a snake on top of a cactus.

Must remember that Tlacaelel ordered the destruction of ancient codices and also ordered rewriting history. It is likely that this "origin myth" dates back to very ancient times, probably of the Olmec period and the mexicas, while remaking history, usurped the place of the Anahuac original people, because it is difficult to believe that when they arrived to the Anahuac Valley in very poor cultural conditions, they brought with them such a very complex story which is of universal character, as other cultures of the world also claim such a mythical origin, coming from a place of seven villages, hills or mountains. Coincidentally, they claim that their guide was a being born of a virgin mother and that he would lead them to settle in a promised land.

"They brought an idol they called Huitzilopochtli, carried by four persons that served him, and to whom he very secretly told all events of the itinerary and route, advising them of everything that would happen to them.