Page:Historia Verdadera del Mexico profundo.djvu/237

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Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna[1] (1794-1876) hovers in power for a long time in successive Governments and fratricidal struggles, seeking to create a "modern nation". In fact, Europe at that time the old empires and kingdoms were being transformed, and growing into modern nation States. This concept of human organization is relatively very new[2] in the history of humanity, and has much to do with the industrial revolution, macro trade, technology, military power and communications. The money owners were those who pushed, first in Europe and then around the world, the overthrow all the old forms of Government, and in their place, set up the "countries and democracies". A new way to govern the world, where those with economic power, can govern in the name of the society through politicians and parties, without public exposure.

However, the creoles were divided into two sides through almost all the 19th century; if one side were scottish freemasons, the others were york masons; if one were federalist, the other centralists; if one wanted to modernize the country with a european leader, others wanted to do it with a national, if one tried to copy Europe, the other the United States. In the midst of these internal creole struggles, the nation was invaded by the Americans and the French, losing more than half of the territory that had been inherited from the spanish colonial. And it was only in the middle of the 19th century that the civilizing european project, now french, could be consolidated by an Indian and a mestizo: Benito Juarez Garcia (1806-1872) and Porfirio Díaz Mori (1830-1915), both from Oaxaca.


  1. For the first time he is declared President of the Republic in March 1833, but he argues that he is ill and leaves power in the hands of Valentín Gómez Farías, Vice-President. From 1833 to 1855, Antonio López de Santa Anna constantly participated in politics. He took part in many military coups, infighting and economic setbacks that lived Mexico. Both liberals and conservatives, often sought him to take over the Presidency of the country. During these years, Mexico lost much of its territory and suffered from the American and French intervention. The last occasion in which this happened was in 1853.
  2. The first society in establishing itself as a country was United States in North America in 1776.