Page:Historia Verdadera del Mexico profundo.djvu/246

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To enter the 21st century, Mexico faces: neoliberalism and globalization. The rapid loss of cultural identities. The dismantling of its production plant and the assault of its domestic market. The dangerous impoverishment of the majority of Mexicans and budget failure to meet the demands and the social lags. The sale of domestic enterprises, patrimony of all Mexicans and the condemnation to turn Mexico into a “Maquiladora country, that is "give labor for free" to foreign financial capital. To live a schizoid society, as the paradigm is oriented towards the northamerican society and culture; but at the same time, this society despises and rejects us. To lose, day by day, sovereignty and identity, to end up without "an own face and a real heart"... uselessly lost in the five hundredth anniversary, "Solitude Labyrinth"; but above all, that our senior leaders stubbornly continue a creole ideology for "national development". Indeed, the economic model dictated by the capitals and small circles of power of the "international merchants" and their foreign national control instruments,[1] does not change even a millimeter, although it is leading the vast majority of Mexican families to extreme poverty, the loss of cultural identity and most importantly, the alienation and brutalization of the people. Blocking any suggestion of mestizo and indigenous peoples that still keep a living and deep root the Anahuac civilization, which has a different vision of life and the world, progress and well-being; that have a long development process, briefly interrupted during these last five hundred years.


  1. International Monetary Fund, World Bank, World Trade Organization, United Nations. Inter-American Development Bank, Organization of American States.