Page:Historia Verdadera del Mexico profundo.djvu/250

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To maintain a permanent system of wealth extraction from the people, it is required to destroy their culture and their historical memory. The element so that people don't think about ending exploitation and becoming themselves exploiters in favor of their colonizer, is colonizing the people culturally. Achieve that the colonized people ignore and despise their culture. The education given in Mexico, at home, at school and in society, is a colonized education. It does not seek that our children and young people are educated to free their people, but on the contrary, are educated to subjugate, dispose of and exploit the weakest. To succeed in a colonized society involves becoming a ruthless exploiter of their own brothers.

The sons of the sons of the ancient grandparents.

The descendants of the ancient Mexicans are all of us. We are the children of the sons of the old grandparents. It is however true that we have a western heritage, but we have to analyze that, on the one hand we have a "Mother Culture", the indigenous or anahuaca; it gave us a way of feeling and interacting with human beings, nature, the universe and the divine and sacred. Also gave us food, family ethical and moral values. That we are not "conscious" of it does not mean it does not exist. We have been educated for five centuries to not see, value, and despise the best of ourselves.

On the other hand we have a "Father Culture”, that gave us the language, religion and a material existence sense and a supposed "belonging" to western culture. However, Europe and United States have always devalued and marginalized us. We are the product of a mixture of cultures. We cannot deny and must promote it. We have parts of one and the other, we are mestizos. However, must take into account that the Anahuac civilization is alive, present and existing, in every one of us and that it represents the "only own ours". That is the stronger and more solid part of our culture, although it is now very difficult to recognize, flourish it and make it conscious. Hence we cannot reach plenitude by denying a