Page:Historia Verdadera del Mexico profundo.djvu/255

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approximately 8 thousand years, of which, the first 7,500 were exclusively built with the stamp of the Anahuac civilization.

The deepest roots and essence of our “being”, was been given to us by the “mother culture”. Only five hundred years ago, this immense cultural structure was enriched by several civilizations, from Europe, Asia and Africa, and today, as all peoples of the world, has suffered an intense crossbreeding, that has made it richer, stronger and varied, but never has lost its original roots and essence. The problem is that colonization prevents us from seeing, feeling and dimensioning it in our everyday life. But above all, it prevents us from recurring to this immeasurable heritage to construct a fair and appropriate future as individuals and as a country.

However, in the “cultural information genetic bank” each person has, there is a wisdom and human experiences treasure, which has been created and treasured for generations. Just as every human cell has the genetic information that can duplicate the individual, it belongs to, the same way, each person has the cultural information of the entire civilization they belong to. The challenge is to activate the “cultural information genetic bank” that exists on every mexican, to maintain the continuity in the “social purpose”, that because of colonization, has temporarily been lost, during the last five centuries.

For the persons, families and communities “spiritually descending” from the Mother civilization, the future is in the complete and conscious recuperation of their past. As such, the task to recover the historical memory, the language, knowledge, spaces and the spiritual and sacred sense of the world and life, turns into a challenge that cannot be delayed nor renounced, because; as person, family or community “we are what we remember” .

We can no longer stubbornly renounce to the most valuable of our cultural heritage. We must no turn our back and live in orphanage of our mother culture. We can no longer deny and ignore the largest part of our past, where one of the