Page:Historia Verdadera del Mexico profundo.djvu/259

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cultural heritage that necessarily, as all heritages, must be recuperated by studying it, recognition and providing new significance to the values that conform our original civilization.

The XXI Century Mexico.

Mexicans are heirs of one of the oldest civilizations in the world, which remains alive, present and vibrant in every one of us, "The children of the sons of the old grandparents". Since the Toltec teachers left, and the aztecs first and then the spaniards, destroyed our ancient institutions, laws and authorities; we have lived in an orphanage of ourselves. Both transgreded the essence our civilization, to dominate and exploit, both human and natural resources. To do this, the colonizers have pretended that the children of the sons of the old grandparents lose their language, historical memory, knowledge, spaces and the profound spirituality of life. In short, any link to the past before the invasion.

These last five centuries, of the more than eight thousand years of existence of our civilization, are just a long and dark night. Mexicans have five strengths to build the Mexico that we all want: "the spiritual sense for life, moral and ethical values surrounding family, our harmonious relationship with nature, our continuing optimism for life, despite the most terrible adversities and our tireless constructor spirit".

But fundamentally we have alive, in the depths of our mysterious interior, the philosophical spirit, which governed the development of the Cem Anahuac civilization. In our "gene bank" our "historical memory", in our more alive traditions, uses and customs, the potential to build a nation is kept, in which no longer exist winners and losers anymore, in where the five hundred years of savage and inhumane colonization are closed, where the two civilizations of which we are part are harmoniously amalgamated. The Mexico of the 21st century,