Page:Historia Verdadera del Mexico profundo.djvu/41

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Mesoamerica, even when they had disappeared thousands of years earlier, achieving that their cultural ways were, by their common background, a unique culture." (Rubén Bonifaz Nuño. 1992)

Much more remains to be discovered about the ancient Olmec civilization and discredit all the lies that have been written by scholars against it. Indeed, as American universities can finance their researchers, these have written much about the Olmecs. Most are their "own conjectures” born of wrongful judgments from their inception and that have accumulated over time.

"With respect to the Olmecs, it has rightly been conjectured over the possibility that they had established an empire; according to such conjecture, they would have extended their influence in the Mesoamerica of that time using the strength of military forces. Nothing thus far found to prove such argument, not in their visual representations or other archaeological remains. There are no traces of weapons of aggression or defense, except for a handful of arrowheads discovered at La Venta.” (Rubén Bonifaz Nuño. 1992)

However, intelligent researches, un-colonialized and free of prejudice publications are being now published in Mexico, such as that of Dr. Rubén Bonifaz Nuño, who points to a new path. See with our own eyes, think with our own ideas and feel with our own feelings, is the school created by Bonifaz Nuño. But there are other ways, such as oral tradition, knowledge lineages or by the careful use of entheogens.[1]


  1. An entheogen ("God inside us," en εν-"in, within," theo θεος- "god, divine," -gen γενος "creates, generates"), in the strict sense, is a psychoactive substance used in a religious, psychotherapeutic, shamanic, or spiritual context. Historically, entheogens were mostly derived from plant sources and have been used in a variety of traditional religious contexts. With the advent of organic chemistry, there now exist many synthetic substances with similar psychoactive properties, many derived from these plants. Entheogens can supplement many diverse practices for healing, transcendence, and revelation, including: meditation, psychonautics, art projects, and psychedelic therapy.