Page:Historia Verdadera del Mexico profundo.djvu/45

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The Greco-Roman civilization ruins "talk to us" because we know their thinkers, philosophers and poets. The stones of the "ruins" and the objects that are in our museums, can "talk" conveying their wisdom, in as long as we know the line of thought that conceived it; in addition to just having an "aesthetic or touristic" value, becoming something alive, current and vibrant.

The elevated abstraction of philosophical thought is materialized in stone, clay or metal and the Intangible Cultural Heritage; so that we cannot accept the existence of our old grandparents, without a philosophical thought, firm and fixed and permanent in our traditions and customs. It becomes an urgent challenge enter the third millennium with the knowledge of the philosophy of our old grandfathers.


I shall look through the texts and other pre-Columbian Nahua testimonies, in the consciousness the Mesoamerican men had of being the bearer of a great legacy. And I will add that, far from wanting to develop a scholarly and static remembrance, when searching in Nahuatl sources, I also look for significant hints and ideas for us, that at the same time are capable of enriching the foundations of our own cultural heritage." (Miguel Leon Portilla. 1980)

The greatest splendor period of ancient Mexico was the so-called classical period that approximately comprises de period between 200 BCE to 850 CE. More than a thousand years of a surprising and continuous process of human and social growth. In this period philosophy, wisdom and science, reached its maximum development. The large knowledge centers led by Teotihuacan achieved their peak. Social life found a perfect balance between meeting the material subsistence needs and the needs of transcendental existence. Art has been the best testimony of this luminous period.

If the basis of human development occurred with the Olmecs in the preclassical period, the upper vertex of the cultural development of ancient Mexico