Page:Historia Verdadera del Mexico profundo.djvu/66

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water. It cannot be denied that in the last five hundred years, not only European knowledge and that from around the world has been added. But at the same time, it can no longer be denied the existence of knowledge inherited from the ancient grandparents and its undisputed continuity. In the "cultural information gene bank" that exists in every cell of the Mexicans, there are eight millennia of experience and human wisdom saved.

To deny the millenary and complex philosophical thought scaffolding of ancient Mexico, would be like thinking that a mammal could live without a bone system. To reduce a poorly understood religion, to a handful of unconnected legends and myths and to a bunch of misunderstood deities, mistakenly called "prehispanic gods", the sophisticated and filtered Toltecáyotl thought, is the greatest cultural crime in mankind history, because it has been maliciously attempted to make believe that the Cem Anahuac did not possess a filtered and sophisticated knowledge of the universe, of the human being, life and its spiritual significance. Of equal magnitude and value as other contemporary civilizations such as China and India.