Page:Historia Verdadera del Mexico profundo.djvu/69

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"flexibility" to represent the many aspects of such a complex concept.

"The uniqueness principle inherent to religion —principle that has little to do with the quality and quantity of gods— means that man has discovered a center in him and conceives the universe from that center. Hence that the essence of any religious system lies in the revelation of an individual soul closely linked to the cosmic soul: it is, in short, the divinization of man.

These are nothing but perishable intellectual productions subjected to social circumstances, the gods are secondary and considered as an end in itself, can only lead to an error. Thus, if we don't want that a religion hides under bunches of inert technical details, it is necessary to strive to rediscover the revelation that, inevitably, is in its origin". (Laurette Séjourné. 1957)

We must take into account how little is indeed known about our ancestors religion. Partly because during the postclassical period (850 to 1521 CE.) the decadence leaders, transgreded the religious norms that the Toltec masters had polished, that provided a millennium of peace and harmony for the Anahuac peoples. Moreover, when Tlacaelel and the Aztecs had reforms eighty-one years before the conquest, that dramatically changed the religious spiritual mystical sense, to a warrior imperialist material sense.

And also partially by the denial and inability of the spaniards invaders and missionaries to understand a religion that was completely different to theirs. And in addition weighed the epithet of demonic and primitive. Contemporary researchers continue taking as "scientific" basis” what the “defeated said and was interpreted by the victors", without developing an un-colonial mentality in trying to decipher our millenary religious heritage. As behind it we find a vast philosophical treasure, full of eternal universal wisdom.