Page:Historic highways of America (Volume 13).djvu/45

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western territory, which, lyes beyond the Laurel hill.—Though any attempt of that Government to restrain it I am equally well persuaded wd cause a separation of their territory; there being sensible men among them who have it in contemplation at this moment.—but this by the by.—The little Kanhawa, which stands next in order, & by Hutchins's table of distances (between Fort Pit and the Mouth of the River Ohio) is 184½ Miles below the Monongahela, is navigable between 40 and 50 Miles up, to a place called Bullstown.—Thence there is a Portage of 9½ Miles to the West fork of Monongahela—Thence along the same to the Mouth of Cheat River, and up it to the Dunker bottom; from whence a portage may be had to the No branch of Potomack.

"Next to the little, is the great Kanhawa; which by the above Table is 98½ miles still lower down the Ohio.—This is a fine Navigable river to the Falls; the practicability of opening which, seems to be little understood; but most assuredly ought to be investigated.

"These then are the ways by which the