Page:Historic highways of America (Volume 6).djvu/102

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in Company of Colo Williams & Colo Hart & staid that day—Wednesday the 22d—Messrs Williams & Hart set off Home & I staid with Mr Sevier Thursday 23d Still at Mr Seviers—N. B. because our Horses were lost tho. not uneasiy as Messrs Hart and Letteral made a poor Hand of Traveling—

Friday 24th Sett of in pursuit of Mr Hart & Letteral. Overtook them Both & Lodged at Capt Bledsoe's—

Satterday the 25th. came to Mrs Callaway's.

Sunday 26th staid there.

Monday 27th Emplied in storeing away Goods.

Tuesday 28th—Sett off for Louisa

Wednesday Continued Journey. N. B. Mr Luttrel not come up.

Thursday 30th Arrived at Capt Martins in Powels Valey—

Fryday 31st Imploy'd in makeing house to secure the Waggons as we could not possibly clear the road any further. N. B. My Waggon & Saml Hendersons came up in A. M. W. Luttrel in the Eving

Satterday the 1 day of April—Imploy'd in making ready for packing &c Mr Hart came up—