Page:Historic highways of America (Volume 6).djvu/111

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valey whear there is verey good food.

mond 3d We Start early travel down the valey croſs powels River go some throu the woods without aney track croſs some Bad hils git into henderſons Road camp on a creek in powels valey.

Tueſday 4th Raney, we Start about 10 oclock and git down to Capt. martins in the valey where we over take Coln henderſon & his Companey Bound for Caintuck & there we camp this Night there they were Broiling & Eating Beef without Bread.

Wedneſday 5th Breaks away fair & we go on down the valey & camp on indian Creek we had this creek to croſs maney times & very Bad Banks Abrams saddel turnd & the load all fell in we go out this Eavening & kill two Deer.

thurs 6th this morning is ahard frost & we wait at Camp for Coln henderſon & companey to come up they come up about 12 o'clock & we join with them and camp there Still this night waiting for some part of the companey that had thier horſes ran away with their packs.

fryday 7th this morning is a very hard snowey morning we still continue at Camp