Page:Historic highways of America (Volume 6).djvu/116

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for choise of lots but refer it till morning


Sunday April 23d this morning the peopel meets & Draws for chois of loots this is a very warm day.

monday 24th We all view our loots & Some Dont like them about 12 oclock the Combſes come to town & Next morning they make them a bark canew and Set off down the River to meet their Companey.

tuesday 25th in the eavening we git us a plaiſe at the mouth of the creek & begin clearing.

Wedneſday 26th We Begin Building us a house & a plaiſe of Defense to Keep the indians off this day we Begin to live without Bread.

thurſday 27th Raney all Day But We Still keep about our houſe.

Satterday 29th—We git our houſe kivered with Bark & move our things into it at Night and Begin houſkeeping Eanock Smith Robert Whitledge & my Self.

May, Monday firſt I go out to look for my mair and saw 4 bufelos the Being the firſt that I Saw & I shot one of them but did not git him when I caim Home Eanock