Page:Historic printing types, a lecture read before the Grolier club of New York, January 25, 1885, with additions and new illustrations; by De Vinne, Theodore Low, 1828-1914; Grolier Club.djvu/107

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TYPES OF AMERICAN FOUNDERS. 103 fixed number of words or letters are prescribed for one line, T yp es for 7 book titles. capitals of proper size are often found to be too thin or too thick, making the line too long or too short. The severer taste of the present day does not permit the wide spacing-out of the letters of a short line, nor the mutilation of a long line THEY that tear or cut books of the Old or New Testa- ment, or the Holy Doctors, or sell them to the depravers of books or to the ^pothe- council A canon of a council of the vnth century. caries, are ezxcomnrunicated for one year. They also that buy them to corrupt them, let them be excommnnicated. Pica Expanded No. 180, from the foundry of George Bruce's Son & Co., New York. by a division with hyphen, as was customary in the early days of printing. This difficulty has been evaded, after a fashion, by the use of expanded and condensed capitals, which seem Condensed to have been first made in France about the year 1830, for I title letter - do not find them in books of earlier date. They were first made in the varieties of capitals only, to be used as two-line letters for the display of titles or as initials or headings of