Page:Historic printing types, a lecture read before the Grolier club of New York, January 25, 1885, with additions and new illustrations; by De Vinne, Theodore Low, 1828-1914; Grolier Club.djvu/36

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32 HISTOKIC FEINTING TYPES. Type-founding, as a distinct art. seems to have been Born c. 1486. Died c. 1554. made, unconsciously perhaps, by G-eofroy Tory, of Paris, a true artist after the fashion of the xvth century, in other Or TOM mtari, aur* ^Oiet U '$i The Cursive Francois of Gran j on of Lyons words, a master of many arts, an engraver on wood, a painter, a designer of letters, and a professor in the uni- versity. In 1526 he began to print a book entitled Champ Fleuri, 1 in which he undertook to reform French orthog- 1 Champ Fleury, auquel est contenu vulgairement Lettres Bomaines, pro- Lart et Science de la deue et vraye portionees selon le Corps et Visage Proportion des Lettres Attiques, quon humain. Ce Livre est privilegie pour dit autrement Lettres Antiques, et Dix Ans Par le Roy., etc. Paris, 1529.