Page:Historic printing types, a lecture read before the Grolier club of New York, January 25, 1885, with additions and new illustrations; by De Vinne, Theodore Low, 1828-1914; Grolier Club.djvu/63

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VIII Styles of Caslon and Baskerville. OSEPH MOXON, "mathematical instrument maker, A founder from 1659 to and nydrographer to his majesty, Charles u.," ices. was the first English type-founder of note. 1 His types cannot be compared with those of his more eminent rivals in France and Holland, but they were better than those of other English type-founders of the cale of J.-2. farts Vt'f. the -^-'-^-'-^-'--^-'-^^"^ Model Letters from Moxon's "Mechanick Exercises," 1683. xvnth century. Before and after his time, publishers and men of letters preferred foreign types. The University of Foreign types preferred. Oxford in 1672 paid 4000, a very large sum at that time, 1 The type-founding skill of England Grismand, Thomas Wright, Arthur declined after the death of John Day. Nicholas, and Alexander Fifield pro- The founders authorized by the decree duced no types of value. Nor did Moxon of the Star Chamber in 1637 John have any successor of marked merit. 59