Page:Historic towns of the southern states (1900).djvu/328

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Total number of days under eight minor bombardments 40
Total number of days under fire, steady and desultory 280
Total number of casualties (52 killed, 267 wounded) 319

Charleston with a white population of 24,000 furnished twenty-three companies of infantry, eleven of artillery and eight of cavalry to the Confederate armies.

The comments of a British officer and of two officers who served in the Federal army as to the extraordinary defence of Charleston are submitted;—for one born and reared in sight of Fort Sumter, and as a child carried away from the city to escape the shells from the "Swamp Angel" on Morris Island, cannot write of his people sine ira et studio.

Col. H. Wemyss Feilden, colonel and chief paymaster (retired list), H. B. M. Army says:

"We find a large commercial city, at the commencement of a great war defended by nearly obsolete works and with several unguarded approaches, rendered impregnable in a short time by the skill and genius of the general in command, supported by the indomitable valor, devotion and tenacity of its defenders, and by the