Page:Historical Essays and Studies.djvu/549

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visited by Lord Houghton, 422 on writers' confession of errors,

Renaudes, Des, Talleyrand's secretary, 398 ; for part of memoirs, 394 Rente, of Valois, marriages schemed for, 14, 15 Renouard, 333 Republic of Mexico (see Mexico, etc.), initial difficulties of, 144-5 '< United States support, 146 Republican government in America, how it arose, 129 ; Hamilton on true principles of, 130 ; its work- ing, 134 ; its prophesied end, 134-5 ; confederation, one re- resource against, Hamilton, 135 Republicans, predominant numbers of, in Paris, 248 ; action of, after Sedan, 249 Restoration of Charles II., position of English Catholics at and after, i. 93 Retribution, immediate, basis of, George Eliot's creed, 286 doctrine of, as portrayed in George Eliot's books, 285-7 Retz, Cardinal de, and the conversion of Charles II., 89 ; his share in the Fronde, 90 ; his negotiations on Charles's behalf with Pope Alexander VII., 91; at White- hall, 91 ; a Mazarin marriage scheme and the cardinalate for Aubigny, 92 Reveillere, La, on Napoleon, 445 Revolution incompatible with universal suffrage, an American view, 134 (English), 1688, its causes, 116 of 1848, effects of, on relations between Church and State on the Continent, 185 Sybel's views on, 377 and empire, Giesebrecht's views on, 498 Review, Westminster, George Eliot's connection with, 298 Reymond, see Du Bois Reymond Riario, Cardinal, complicity in cardinals' conspiracy of 1517., 434 Richelieu, Cardinal, subtlety of, 403 Richmond, Confederate capital, U.S.A., 483, 484 Riehl, German writer on history of civilisation, 392 influence on George Eliot, 297 Ripon, Lord, change of creed upheld by Lord Houghton, 421 Rise and Fall of the Mexican Empire, J 43 Risorgimento , II, founded by Cavour,

Ritschl, 371 Ritschlian school of thought, 281 Ritter, 334, 335 ; Ancient Philosophy,

critic of Ranke, 357 a model of historical excellence,

Riva Palacio, 167, 168 Robespierre, 493, 494 Rochford, Lord, and the Divorce of Henry VIII., 16, 23 Roederer, 418 Rogers, Samuel, estimation of Hough- ton, 416 Rohan, Henry de, see Cloche, Jacobus de la Rohans, the, involved Talleyrand in disgrace, 405 Roland, Madame, and Buzot, relations between, 492 Romagna, Borgia's power in, no treason to the Church, 82 discontent in Cavour's day, how utilised, 188-9 Roman State, the, founded practically by the Borgias and edified by Julius II., 83-4 Rome, attitude to, of Piedmont under Cavour, 181, 182 fall of, 1527, effect of, on the Divorce,

German historians of, 348, 349 "heart of Italy," Mazzini on, 193 Charles V., operation concerning, . 6 9 religious observance at, criticised, 464 Rome and Catholicism, Lord Hough- ton's attitude, 421 Roon, General von, 204, 223 re-organiser of the Prussian army, 229 Ropes, John Codman, The First Napo- leon : A Sketch Political and Military (review), 442 as Napoleon's military biographer,

faithful account by, of Napoleon's

campaign, 452-4 

Roscher, George Eliot's indifference to,

services of, important to history, i cited on statistics, 317 Rospigliosi, Cardinal, 119 Rothe, views ignored by George Eliot, -5 Rothschild, Lord, good offices of,