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century, 496, 498, 499, 501, 502 Schopenhauer, 373 Schweizer, writer on Protestant theo- logy. 3 6 7 Science, Goethe's definition cited, 388 definition of a, compared with that of history, 305 history as a, 460 reduction of history to status of, 305, 306, 320 Sciences, particular, relation of philo- sophy to, 326 "Scrutator" and Bismarck's responsi- bility for the war of 1870. , 218-9 Secession (American), no provision against, in the Constitution, some consequences, 137; great leaders for and against, 138 ; what is implied by the omission, 141 not caused by slavery, but ruined thereby, 140 Secousse, Charles 0' Navarre, 344 Secret History of Charles II. [King of England], 85 Secularisation of Religious Orders in Piedmont, Cavour on, 187 Sedan, MacMahon at, the battle, the surrender at, of Napoleon III., 246 ; consequences of, 489 Seeley, John Robert, A Short History of Napoleon the First (review), 442, 443 inaccuracies of, 449 on Napoleon's motives, mistaken judgments of, 446-49 Senators, elective, preferred by Cavour, 184 Senfft, Count, Talleyrand's official corruption admitted by, 397 Seward, method of historical deduction, 489 Shakespeare, William, George Eliot as a genius comparable to, 303 ; her idea of his injustice to women, 283 Riimelin on, 385 Shelley, Percy Bysshe, George Eliot's admiration for, 282, 291 Sir Richard, on Wolsey's share in the Divorce, 59 Sherman, General, as envoy to Juarez, 164 Siccardi, 178 Sicilian Monarchy, the fiction of, 3 Sicily, annexation of, to Sardinia, ques- tion of, 198-9 under Norman rule, civil power, pre- dominance of, over spiritual, in, 2-3 Sickel, W., opposed to historic scepti- cism, 365 ; Ver/assungsgeschichte, 37i Siege of Paris, 255 et seq. Siege methods, ethics of, 266 Sieyes, Abbe character estimated by Morse Stephens, 492 denounced by Talleyrand, 398 literary rank of, 492 ; Burke's opinion of, 447 records of Napoleon, 442 and Talleyrand in conference, 409 Simon, Jules, on Talleyrand's educa- tional report, 408 R. , cited, 463 Simonetta, 25 Simony, Papal, 67 Sineo, Deputy, voices Cavour's political principles, 195 Sixtus IV. (Pope), character of, as esti- mated by Creighton, 434, 436 and Indulgences, 78 Sixtus V. on Henry VIII. 's Divorce,

Slave-law of America, status of slaves under, 136-7 Slave- owner, how dealt with by the United States, 139, 140 ; not the cause of the war, 483 Slavery question, the, in relation to the Civil War, 128 ; Jefferson on, 131-2; author's view, i%$et seq.; suggested verdict, 140-41 ; in- direct support given by, to De- mocracy, 137 Slavery the ruin of the attempted Secession, 140 Slaves, American, the arming of, the crux of the position, 140 legal status of, views of North and South on, 136-7 Smith, Adam, 389, 390 Milne Edwards inspired by, 287 Talleyrand a disciple of, 400, 409 Smythe, George, feud of, with Lord Houghton, 420 Sobieski, John, and the Jesuits, 114-15 Socialism, dreaded by Lord Houghton, 419 why it revolted against the Republic of 1870, its aims, 262 in relation to political economy, 390 Societies, true divisions of, 183 Society, jurisdiction of, over life and death, 191-2 Socinus, 436 Soderini and the cardinals' conspiracy of 1517-. 434 Sohm, Rudolf, knowledge of politics and law, 496