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��Children's Books — continued.

��Upton (Florence K. and Bertha).

THE ADVENTURES OF TWO DUTCH DOLLS AND A 'GOLLIWOGG'. With 31 Coloured Plates and numerous Illustrations in the Text. Obloug 4to,

THE OOLLIWOGO'S BICYCLE CLUB. With 31 Coloured Plates and numerous Illustrations in the Text. Oblong 4to, 6s.

THE GOLLIWOGG AT THE SEA- SIDE. With 31 Coloured Plates and numerous Illustrations in the Text. Oblong 4to, 6.«.

THE GOLLIWOGG IN WAR. With 31 Coloured Plates. Oblong 4to, 65.

THE GOLLIWOGG'S POLAR AD- VENTURES. With 31 Coloured Plates. Oblong 4to, 6;?.

��Upton (Florence K. and Bertha)—


THE GOLLIWOGG'S AUTO-GO- CART. With 31 Coloured Plates and numerous Illustrations in the Text. Oblong 4to, fe.

THE GOLLIWOCtG'S AIR-SHIP. With 30 Coloured Pictures and numerous Illustrations in the Text. Oblong 4to, 6«.

THE VEOE-MEN'S REVENGE. With 31 Coloured Plat«»8 and numerous Illus- trations in the Text. Oblong 4to, 6«.

WemysB.— ' THINGS WE THOUGHT OF • : Told from a Child's Point of View. By Mauy C. E. Wbmtss, Author of ' All Alwut All of Us '. With 8 Illustrations in Colour by S. R. Pkakger. Crown 8vo, Zs. Qd.


Crown 8vo, 35. 6rf. bach Volume.

Arnold's (Sir Edwin) 8«m and Lands. ! Buckle*! (H. T.) History of Civilisation In

With 71 Illustrations, a?. tW. England. 3 vols. 10.*. 6^/.

��Bagehoys (W.) Biographical Studies. Churohlirs (Winston 8.) The Story of the

Halakand Field Force, 1»7. With 6 Maps and Plans. 3.v. 6rf.

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Bagehot*s (W.) Economic Studies. 3^. 6(£.

'Bagehot's (W.) Literary Studies. With Portrait. 3 vols. 3.s. 6rf. each.

Baker*s (Sir S. W.) Eight Years in Ceylon.

With 6 Illustrations. a«t. 6</.

��Clodd*s (E.) Story of Creation : a Plain Account of Evolution. With 77 Illus- trations. 3.V. 6(f.

Conybeare (Rev. W. J.) and Howson*s (Very Rev. J. S.) Life and Epistles of St. Paul. With 46 Illustrations. 3«. 6^;.

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��Baker*s (Sir S. W.) Rifle and Hound In Ceylon. With 6 Illustrations. 3.«. 6^.

Barlng-Oould*s (Rev. S.) Curious Myths of the Middle Ages. as. M.

Barlng-Gou]d*s (Rev. S.) Origin and De- velopment of Religious Belief. 2 vols. 3.«. (k/. each.

Becker*s (W. A.) Gallus : or, Roman Scenes in th' Tiuje of Auj^nistus. With 26 Illus- tralions. 3.«. Gr/.

Becker*s (W. A.) Charlcles: or, Illustra- tions of the r*rivatc Life of the Ancient OrL-eks. With 2«) Illustrations. a». 6</. I Doyle»s (Sir A. Conan) The Stark Munro

Bent's (J. T.) The Ruined Cities of Ma- ' Letters. Zs. 6r7. shonaland. With 117 Illustrations. 3.f. (>//.

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Doyle*s (Sir A. Conan) The Refugees : A

Tale of the Huguenot-s. With 26 Il- lustrations, a*. 6^/.

��Froude's ^J. A.) The History of England,

from the Fall of Wols«;y to the Defeat of the Spanish Arma<l.i. 12 vols. a». 6<^. ea«h.

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