Page:Historical Record of the Fifty-Sixth, Or the West Essex Regiment of Foot.djvu/41

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While this detachment of the first battalion was on the voyage, four companies of the second battalion marched to Baroda, under the orders of Captain D. Daly, and joined the force assembling at that place, under Lieut.-Colonel Walker, for the reduction of the fort of Mallia, in Kattawar, which was the stronghold of a numerous body of marauders, who plundered and devastated the surrounding territory, and had successfully resisted the attacks of powerful native chiefs, which had procured for their fort the reputation of being impregnable. The position was naturally strong, the fortifications good, the garrison, being fully aware of the approach of the British troops, was prepared, and, to gain additional security, had surrounded the wall with a strong embankment of earth and thorns.

After a long and fatiguing march the British troops arrived before Mallia on the 6th of July; and the garrison returning a vaunting answer to the summons to surrender, the fire of the artillery commenced on the following day, and a practicable breach was effected in a few hours.

At four o’clock in the afternoon the storming party, of which the Fifty-sixth furnished a proportion of one hundred and fifty rank and file, advanced; the forlorn hope being under the command of Captain McKenzie, of the Bombay European Regiment, who was gallantly supported by Lieutenant Newman of the Fifty-sixth, a volunteer on the occasion. Rushing forward with heroic valour, the soldiers soon forced the breach, and in less than three-quarters of an hour they were in possession of the greater part of the town. As they advanced, the resistance became more determined; the banditti fighting with great spirit, and eventually retiring into an inner fort, which was inaccessible to an assault; when, the evening being far advanced, operations ceased for the night. Before the following morning the defenders of Mallia withdrew through a