Page:Historical Record of the Fifty-Sixth, Or the West Essex Regiment of Foot.djvu/60

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tions of Colonel Barclay, which, while they reflected credit upon him, proved that, with diligence and a due adherence to regulations, the disreputable errors and frauds, which had been discovered in other regiments, could not have been effected.[1]

1830In March, 1830, the regiment proceeded to Limerick; in June, 1831, to Fermoy; and in 1831November to Cork, where arrangements were made for transferring its services to Jamaica, for which island six service companies embarked in the first week of December under Lieut.-Colonel H. H. Prichard. They were detained some time by contrary winds; but sailed on the 26th, and arriving at Port Royal in 1832February, 1832, landed and were stationed at Up Park Camp.

Lord Aylmer was removed to the Eighteenth (Royal Irish) Foot on the 23rd of July, and King William the Fourth was pleased to nominate Lieut.-General Sir Hudson Lowe, K.C.B., from the Ninety-third Highlanders to the colonelcy of the Fifty-sixth Regiment.

1833In April, 1833, the regiment proceeded to Spanish Town, with two companies to Fort Augusta; in 1834May, 1834, it embarked for Falmouth, at the north side of the island; and was stationed at that place, with detachments at Phenix Park, Sans Souci, and Montego Bay, during the years 1835 and 1836; and in 1837January, 1837, it quitted the north side of the island, and was stationed at Up Park Camp, where it sustained the loss of three officers and sixty men from yellow fever.

1838The head-quarters were removed to Fort Augusta

  1. Colonel Fletcher Barclay was appointed Ensign in the Fifty-sixth on the 30th of June, 1791, and served in the West Indies, in Holland, and in the East Indies. In 1804, he was promoted to the rank of Major, and in 1811, to Lieutenant-Colonel. In 1831, he retired, after a diligent and faithful service of forty years, having passed through the several grades, and attained the rank of Colonel in the Army.