Page:Historical Works of Venerable Bede vol. 2.djvu/345

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The Sixth Age

the terms homousion and anomoion were rejected, and homoiousion was adopted as a mean between the two, agreeably to the Macedonian tenets. Profiting by the error of his predecessor Constantius, JovianJovian courts Athanasius with flattering letters,Creed of St. Athanasisus and receives from him a formulary of faith and a scheme of church government.

A.M. 4328 [377].

Valentinian and Valens Valentinian, with his brother Valens, reigned 10 years, Apollinaris, bishop of Laodicea, composed a number of books on our religion, but subsequently erred from the faith, and was the author of a heresy which has been named after him. Damasus, bishop of Rome, built a church to St. Laurence near the theatre, and another over against the catacombs, where lay the holy bodies of the Apostles Peter and Paul, in which place he adorned with verses the Platonia, where the holy bodies lay. Valens, having been baptized by Eudoxius, an Arian bishop, persecutes our people.Gratian Gratian, son of Gratian. Valentinian, was made emperor at Amiens, in the third year of his age. The martyrdom of the apostles is celebrated at Constantinople.Ambrose On Ambrose being made bishop of Milan, on the death of Auxentius, at an advanced age,All Italy returns to the true faith. the whole of Italy returns to the true faith. St. Hilary dies.
[A.D. 367.]
Bishop Hilary dies at Poietiers.

A.M. 4332 [381].

Valens, with Gratian and Valentinian, sons of his brother Valentinian, reigned 4 years. Valens persecutes the monks. Valens ordered that the monks should serve in the armies, and that such monks as refused should be beaten to death. The nation of the Huns, for ages shut up by inaccessible mountains, moved by a sudden fury, burst forth upon the Goths, and drove them in consternation from their ancient seats. The fugitives, crossing the Danube, were received by Valens without being required to lay down their arms; they were afterwards driven to rebellion by the avarice of