Page:Historical Works of Venerable Bede vol. 2.djvu/369

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*** The names printed in CAPITALS, have immediate reference to English Affairs.


Abacuc and Micha's reliques are found, 275.
Abbe, Abbess of Coldingham, sister of King Oswy, 23, 205.
Abdon, 234.
Abel, 222.
Abendune, 215.
Abgarus, King of Edessa, 264.
Abimelech, 232.
Abraham, 228, 229.
Acca, Bishop, 100, 205.
Acephah, Heresy of the, revived, 286.
Acheldemach, 163.
Achilleus seizes on Egypt, 269.
Adam, 220; created on the 23rd of March, on which day also Christ was crucified, 222.
Adamnan, 179.
Adrian changes the name of Jerusalem to Ælia, 159, 261; builds a Wall in Britain, 261; builds the Library at Athens, 261.
Adrian, Abbot of St. Peter's, Kent, 85, 288.
Æcgfird, King of Northumberland, grants to Biscop, 86, 88, 89.
ÆDiiwald, Abbot of Melrose, 57.
Ægialeus. King of the Sicyonians, 228.
Ælfled, the Abbess, cured by means of St. Cuthbert's girdle, 44; Cuthbert foretells, at her request, that he will be raised to the Bishopric of Landisfarne, 47; requests St. Cuthbert to consecrate her church, 60.
Æneas, 234.
Æneas Sylvius, 235.

Æthilwald succeeds St. Cuthbert, 80, 81, 193.
Ætius defeats Attila at Chalons, 279 ; the Britons apply to him, 278; he is killed by Valentinianus, 280.
Agamemnon, King of Mycenae, 233.
Agatho, Pope, xxii. xxiv., 87, 288.
Ages of the World—The First Age, 221 the Second, 225; the Third, 229 the Fourth, 235; the Fifth, 242 the Sixth, 256.
Agrippa (Herod) cast into prison by Tiberius, 257 ; made King of Judea, 257 ; succeeded by his Son, 257.
Agrippa, 257.
Aidan carried to Heaven, 13, 14 ; Bishop of Lindisfarne, 32, 203.
Alaric, King of the Goths, 275.
Alban (St.) Aaron and Julius, British Martyrs, 270.
Albinus succeeds Festus, 259.
Albinus, Abbot, Bede's letter to, 137.
Alboin, King of the Lombards, 283.
Alchfrid, son of King Oswyn, accompanies Benedict Biscop to Rome, 83.
Alcmund, Bishop, 205.
Alcuin, not a pupil of Bede, xxxiii. 1.; his letter to the University of Cambridge, xlv.
Aldfrid, the Bastard, 47; succeeds King Æcgfrid, 48, 91, 96, 148.
Aldhun, Bishop, succeeds Elfsig ; his noble lineage, 202 ; conveys the remains of St. Cuthbert to Ripon, 203 ; his death, 204.
Aldred, Bishop, succeeds Sechelm, 202; his death, 202.
Alemanni, or Germans, 116, 117.