Page:Historical Works of Venerable Bede vol. 2.djvu/375

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Elge, village of, 290.,
Elig, town of, 215.
Elijah, the Tishbite, 236.
Ehsha, the Prophet, 238.
Ella, King, 284.
Elon of Zebulon, not mentioned in the Lxx. 233. Enoch, 223 ; the Book of Enoch spurious, 224.
Enos, 222. Eosterwine, Co-abbot with Benedict-Biscop, 88 ; of noble birth, 89 ; an attendant on King Æcgfrid, 89 ; his humility, 89 ; he dies March 9, 685 ; 90, 91.
Ephesus founded by Andronicus, 235.
Esau, 230.
Esdras, 247.
Eteligitha, Abbess, 205.
Ethelbert, King of Kent, embraces the Christian Faith, 284.
Etheldrida, Queen, becomes a nun, 290.
Ethelfrid, King of Northumbria, 284.
Ethelred, King, 200.
Ethelstan succeeds Edward, 199 ; the first King who governed all Britain, 199; his expedition into Scotland, 200 ; his gifts to the Cathedral of Durham, 200 ; defeats Oswin, King of Cumberland, 201 ; and Constantine, King of Scots, 201 ; and subdues the whole of Scotland, 201.
Ettrunnanwerc, 201.
Eudoxia, wdfe of Theodosius, 278.
Eudoxius, 273.
Eurystheus, King of Lacedemon, 235.
Eusebius.—See Huerbert.
Eutyches, Bp. of Alexandria, 280.
Eutychian, Bishop of Rome, 268.
Eutychius, Patriarch of Constantinople, 283.
Evilmerodach, King of Babylon, 242.
Evitus, Presbyter, 276. Ezechiel, 242.


Fabian, Bishop of Rome, 266.
Farne, the Island of, taken possession of by St. Cuthbert, 36.

Felgeld, the Hermit of Farne, 80, 81.
Felix, 258.
Felix, Saint, 103; born at Nola in Campagnia, 103 ; devotes himself to the service of God, 103 ; becomes reader and exorcist, 104 ; seized by the unbelieving persecutors, 104 ; delivers Bishop Maximus, 105 ; consoles the citizens of Nola, 107; denies his identity, 107 ; the spider's web, 108 ; provided with food by a poor woman, 109 ; returns to Nola after the persecution had ceased, 110; refuses the Bishopric, 110; imitates the conduct of St. Martin, 111 ; restores by prayer the Oxen of the poor man, 112.
Festus, 258.
Florian, the Emperor, 268.
Fleoccher, a priest of Durham, 206.
Florus succeeds Albinus in Judea, 259.
Forth, Frith of, xx.
Fresca, the River, 96.


Gaius, Bishop of Rome, 269.
Gallienus, the Emperor, 267.
Gallus persecutes the Christians, 266.
Gamelo, 205.
Gaul conquered by the Romans, 248.
Gelismer, King of the Vandals, 282.
Gennesar, Sea of, 172.
Genseric, 277.
George, Patriarch of Constantinople, 289.
Germanus, Bishop, 279.
Geve, Abbot, 193.
Gideon, 232.
Gildas, 282.
Gillo, Michael, 212; his vision, 213, 214.
Gisulph, the Lombai'd, 291.
Glass, the manufacture of, introduced into Britain, 87.
Golgotha, the centre of the Earth, 163.