Page:Historical Works of Venerable Bede vol. 2.djvu/381

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Scotland, subdued by King Ethelstan, 201.
Scula, oppresses the inhabitants of the country between Eden and Billingham, 197.
Sebaste, 272.
Seleucus, 250.
Semiramis, 229.
Sepulchre of Our Lord, 160.
Sergius, Patriarch of Constantinople, 286.
Sergius, Pope, xxxiv.; his letter to Ceolfrid, xxxvii., 96.
Serug, 228.
Servius, 242.
Sesac, 236.
Seth, 222.
Severus, the Emperor, 263 ; invades Britain, 264 ; dies at York, 264.
Sexhelm succeeds Bishop Uthred, 201 ; deprived of his Bishopric, 202.
Shalmaneser, 239.
Shem, 226, 227.
Sibert, King of the East Saxons, 284.
Sichem, now Neapolis, 175.
Sicyon, 234.
Sigfrid, Abbot of Weremouth, 91 ; his character, 91 ; affecting scene between him and Benedict Biscop, 93; his death, a. d. 689; 94.
Sigfrid, a Priest, quoted by Bede as authority in his Life of Cuthbert, 17.
Simeon, Bishop of Jerusalem, crucified, 261.
Sion, Mount, 159, 162.
Smyrna, 236.
Socrates, 247.
Sodom and Gomorrha, 172.
Solomon, King of the Jews, 235 ; builds the Temple, 235 ; visited by the Queen of Sheba, 236.
Sostratus, 157, 250.
Sparta, built by Spartus, 230.
Speusippus, 248.
Stephen, St., stoned, 257.
Stephen, Bishop of Rome, martyred, 267.
Stithard, 190.
Suetonius.—See Paulinus.
Sylla spoils Athens, 253.
Symmachus, Pope, 281.
Sylvius, Posthumus, son of Æneas, 234.


Tabor, Mount, 176.
Tacitus, Emperor, 268,
Tanaus, King of the Scythians, 228.
Tarquinius Priscus, 240.
Tarquinius Superbus, 245.
Temple of Diana, at Ephesus, 158.
Terah, 228.
Terbellus, King of the Bulgarians, 292.
Tertullian, 264.
Theodore, Archbishop, xxiv., accompanied by Adrian and Benedict Biscop, arrives in England, a. d. 669, and ascends the Episcopal throne of Canterbury, 85, 288; he consecrates St. Cuthbert, 48.
Theodore, the Exarch, 287.
Theodore, Pope, 286; excommunicates Bishop Pyrrhus and the Acephali, 286.
Theodoretus writes his Church History, &c., 280.
Theodoric, King of the Goths, 280.
Theodosius made Emperor by Gratian, 274 ; subdues the Scythian nations, 274 ; slays Maximus, and restores Valentinian, 275.
Theodosius II., 275.
Theodosius III., son of Arcadius, 277 ; Codex Theodosianus, 277.
Theodosius (Adi-amyttenus), 293.
Theon, Bishop of Alexandria, 269.
Theophanus, Bishop of Antioch, 289.
Theophilus of Alexandria computes Easter, 274.
Theophilus, Bishop of Caesarea, 263.
Thrasamund, King of the Vandals, 281.
Tiber, the River, 237.
Tiberias, City of, 172, 175.
Tiberius, the Emperor, 256, 257.
Tiberius, Emperor of the East, 288.
Tiberius, Constautine, 283.
Tiglath Pilcser, King of Assyria, 239.