Page:Historical account of Lisbon college.djvu/20

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and there devoted his life to their service. He died after a long illness in the hospital above-mentioned, April 30, 1670, and was, by his own request, buried in the adjoin ing churchyard. Of him the Annals observe that he conducted the domestic economy in the most able manner; that he won the affection of all by the sweetness of his disposition; and that during the interval which preceded the drawing up of the regular Rules, he was himself a rule and model of perfection to the whole Community. During his Vice-Presidentship and whilst the President was absent on business, at Madrid, the new Community was in danger of extinction by sickness, which prevailed to such an extent in the house, that the number of those who were dangerously ill was greater than of those in health. On this occasion the College lost two of the number of its first students, Antony Morgan and Richard Arundel, both remarkable for talents and virtue, and equally deserving of a more lengthened notice.

Morgan was a native of Northampton and member of a gentleman's family. After completing his course of Philosophy at Douay he came to England in 1625. Two years afterwards he returned to the same Seminary, not with the intention of embracing the ecclesiastical state, but preparatory to making a tour on the Continent. Here, however, finding many of his former friends and companions preparing to depart with Father Harvey for the new establishment at Lisbon, he changed his design and joined their number. His abilities soon became conspicuous in the Theological School and he was selected, together with Mr. Daniel, to defend, under the President, Blacklow, the first public Thesis held in the College, with which it was intended to shed lustre on the commencement of the new Seminary. But divine Providence had otherwise disposed, for before the time appointed for the public display of his talents, he was called to a better life, August 11, 1631.

A quarter of an hour before his death, while in his perfect senses, he made an address partly in English and