Page:Historical account of Lisbon college.djvu/24

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Another was for maintaining, in a pamphlet, that all Governments as soon as established might be accepted as accomplished facts.

This seems to have been written for Cromwell, in the hope of gaining some measure of toleration for Catholics from the Commonwealth.

Blacklow was not only a theologian, but a skilful mathematician, and was an intimate friend both of Descartes and Hobbes.

He died at his lodgings in Drury Lane, July 6, 1676, aged 94, and was buried in St. Martin's Church, in the Fields, near the pulpit. His portrait has been engraved by Vertue.

"His learning and parts were universally acknowledged and his morals without a blemish." Dodd, vol. iii. p. 285.

His Latin works were thirty-five in number, dealing chiefly with Philosophical and Theological subjects. His English works—chiefly Theological, devotional or controversial—numbered thirteen.