Page:Historical and Biographical Annals of Columbia and Montour Counties, Pennsylvania, Containing a Concise History of the Two Counties and a Genealogical and Biographical Record of Representative Families.djvu/78

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in the United Gas and Electric Company of Bloomsburg, the incorporators of the last named company being E. B. Tustin, John B. Russel, F. k. Bevan, Harry S. Barton, A. V. Duy. The gas business in Bloomsburg was conducted under the management of this company until Feb. 7, 1911, when by another agreement of merger and consolidation it was merged with twenty-two other gas and electric companies, covering the territory between the borough of Nescopeck in Luzerne county, and the borough of Riverside in Northumberland county, both inclusive, forming the Columbia Gas and Electric Company, the details of whose consolidation arc referred to later on.

The Columbia Gas and Electric Company sold and conveyed all of its property, rights and franchises to the Columbia and Montour Electric Company in March, 1913, and the gas business is now being conducted under the management of that company and is keeping pace with the rapid strides in the general industrial development of Bloomsburg.

The Danville Gas Company was created by special act of Assembly, approved the 8th day of May, 1854 (P. L. 1855, page 710). This company purchased the lot of land where the present gas and electric plant is located and erected 3 gas plant, constructed mains throughout the borough of Danville and proceeded to engage in the business of furnishing gas to the citizens of that borough. The property of the Danville Gas Company was next acquired by the Consumers Gas Company, a corporation which was created under the act of 1874, on Nov. 8. 1882. and this company conveyed by lease for the term of nine hundred and ninety- nine years, its property, rights and franchise to the Standard Gas Company (Deed Book 19, page 606).

Electric Lighting

The pioneers in the electric lighting business in Columbia county were the following gentlemen and firms: W. R. Tubbs, Hannan & Has- sert, Robbins & Peacock, W. H. Brower, C. M. Creveling, L. S. Wintcrstecn, B. F. Sharpless, T. L. Gunion, Isaac S. Kuhn, J. R. Schuyler, J. C. Brown, I. W. Willits, Frank P. Billmeyer, C.W. Miller, N. U. Funk, E. V. Hartman, H. V. White, L. T. Sharplcss, C. A. Kleim. A. G. Briggs. J. E. Wilson, J. M. Robbins, Mathias Crcist, K. W. Oswald, James McCloskcy, II. P. Chamberlain. L. N. Moyer, D. W. Kitchen, W. R. Kocher. H. J. Oark & Son, Freas Brown, Charles G. Barkley. Paul E. Wirt, George Rosenstock, David Hensinger, Frank P. Drinker, M. G. Hughes. John Appleman, James Magee. J. H. Mcrccr, William Chrisman, L. E. Waller, John A. Funston, B. F. Gardner, William Krickbaum, H. W. McReynolds, L. Gross, John L. Moyer, C. W. Neal, John B. Casey, J. H. Maize.

On Dec. 11. 1889, the above gentlemen, all of whom were prominent in the affairs of the county, received a charter from the governor, effected an organization under the name of Bloomsburg Electric Light and Power Company (Misc. Book 3. page 440). purchased a lot at the northeast comer of the intersection of Eighth and Catharine streets, Bloomsburg, and there erected an electric light plant, the original equipment consisting of two small Keeler boilers; two fifty horsepower Taylor- Beck engines; two fifty kilowatt Thompson- Houston alternating generators, one fifty light direct current Thompson-Houston arc generator, and a wooden panel switchboard.

A contract for lighting the streets of Bloomsburg was secured from the town council, pole lines and wires were erected throughout the built up portion of the town, arc lights placed at the intersection of the principal thoroughfares and electric light turned on about the ist of April, 1891, a truly historic event in the advancement of Bloomsburg.

This company on Sept. 2, 1899 (Misc. Book 6, page 451). leased its property, rights and franchises to the American Electric Light Company, a corporation which was formed for the purpose of taking over the old company, having received its charter Aug. 21, 1899 (Misc. Book 8, page 664), of which company the incorporators were William D. Boyer, Grant Felton. G. W. Reynolds. P. R. Bevan, all of Wilkes-Barre. This company conducted the plant until the 16th of November, 1906, when It entered into an agreement of merger and consolidation with the American Gas Light Company of Bloomsburg, forming the United Gas and Electric Company of Bloomsburg (Misc. Book 9. page 17).

The Irondale Electric Light, Heat & Power Company was incorporated on April 7, 1902 (Misc. (look 7. page 503), the incorporators being C. M. Creveling. W. S. Moyer, Dr. W. M. Reber, Charles W. Runyon, N. U. Funk, Grant Herring. H. A. M'Killip, J. N. Thompson, C. A. Kleim, J. C. Brown, Dr. J. J. Brown.

The Irondale Electric Light, Heat and Power Company acquired by purchase the dam. mill race, wheel house, and water rights of the Bloomsburg Iron Company, and in the year 1902 erected and equipped at Irondale a hydroelectric plant, receiving its waterpower from