Page:Historical and Biographical Annals of Columbia and Montour Counties, Pennsylvania, Containing a Concise History of the Two Counties and a Genealogical and Biographical Record of Representative Families.pdf/116

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and were scrupulously foUowed by the con­ high* with a large square tower and a portico. tractors. In the new (xirt are the offices of the prothono­ T he new courthouse was constructed of tary and commissioners* on the first floor. On brick* burned by Daniel Snyder himself* and (he second floor are the judge’s officc* county w as of the pure Ionic order of architecture. superintendent's office* ju ry rooms* and a re­ It w as 40 by (K> feet in size* with the county tiring and rest room for women. A second offkes M o w and the court and ju ry rooms courtroom* 26 by 44 feet* is located on the third above. The cupola was fitted with a bell and flcwr* where is also a room occupied by the clock* the former put up in 1848* at a cost o f Historical Society. Tlte oilier county offices $400* and the latter provided by private sub­ remain as before. T he building is hcatc<l by scription. In 186S the courthouse w as e x ­ steam and well supplied with all modern con­ tended by the addition o f a 2^-foot building* veniences. T he nutcrial in the addition is the upper story for the law library and the brick, with brownstonc trimmings. It pre­ use of the judges and juries* and the lower sents an imposing appearance. fo r the court records. T he roof w as also raised at this time* which destroyed the true COUNTS' J A IL architectural proportions. In 1882 a new clock w as installed in the cupola* and a year later The first ja il w as constructed o f brick and steam heating w as introduced into the build­ stone* and combined the usual features o f ing. jailer’s residence and prison. It served the A t the September session o f court* 1890* a county well for thirty years* although its in­ petition* signed by a large number o f taxpayers* security in later years caused considerable w as presented* asking fo r some changes and complaint. F o r a number o f years successive improvements to the courthouse. T his was grand ju ries recommended the erection o f a referred to the grand jury* who recommended new jail* but the opposition of the people pre­ that an addition be built to the front of the vented any action. Finally the county com­ old building. In accordance with (his the missioners made it known that if another ju ry county commissioners inspected plans sub­ recommended action it would be taken. The mitted by architects* adopting those o f A . S. fourth grand ju rv sanctioned the report o f its W agner, o f Williamsport. Bids were invited* predecessors* and in 1877 the county commis­ and the contract awarded on N ov. 19* 1890, sioners began measures fo r the construction o f to Matthias Shaffer* fo r $21*600* that being a new jail. F o r various reasons it w as decided (he lowest responsible bid. lli e r c w as some to abandon the old site* and the Pursel lot. on opposition to the expenditure o f this money* Market street* below Third, w*as conditionally as there alw ays is to public improvements* and purchased for ^ .0 0 0 . These moves ^ v e rise a move w*as made to procure an injunction to to severe criticism of the commissioners’ prevent Sh affer from beginning the job* but plans. before this could be done he was at work with T he plans fo r the new* prison were drawn his men early in the morning, and had the stone by a M r. Wetzel* and on A pril 21* 1877* the steps and part of the porch at the front of the contract was awarded to Charles K rug. T his building tom away. There was no injunction action intensified the dissatisfaction of (he asked for. While the work w as in progress critics, who rapidly included a ta**ge propor­ Mr. Sh affer died, and the contract w as com­ tion of the population in their raiiKs. It ap­ pleted by his son. Barton Shaffer* as adpiin- pears that there had been ten proposals* rang­ istrator. T he work was finished, and ac­ ing from $4 1,0 75 to $119*0 25, and that the cepted by the county commissioners on Feb. award was made to the second lowest bidder* 29. 1892. at a price $5,900 higher than the lowest one. T he board o f commissioners at the time the It w as at once charged that these were grave contract was made w as composed o f William reasons fo r suspecting jol>ber>* on the part o f G. Girton* Jesse Rittenhouse* and Ezra the architect. T he commissioners were urged Stephens, with J . D. Bodine as clerk, In to dismiss him. abandon the new, expensive, January* i8g2. a new board went in offkre. "mud-bottom” location* and cither order a new consisting o f Jesse Rittenhouse, B . F . E dgar letting or promptly accept the lowest bid. The and C . I - Sands. C . M. TerwilUgcr was commissioners refused, and on April 27th an electe<l clerk. injunction w as applied for to restrain the T h is addition to the courthouse is 70 feet authorities from building on the Pursel lot on Main street ami 40 feet deep to where it and from entering into a contract with K rug. joins on the old building, and is three stories T he hearing developed that the lot w as too