Page:Historical and Biographical Annals of Columbia and Montour Counties, Pennsylvania, Containing a Concise History of the Two Counties and a Genealogical and Biographical Record of Representative Families.pdf/122

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COLUM BIA A N D M ONTOUR COUNTIES 1890; IL M, T ew ksbu ry and A, L . F ritz, 18 9 2; A. L. F r i u and WiUiam T- Creasy* 18 9 4; W . T . Creasy and WiUiam Chrisman* 1 8 ^ and 1898; W. T . C reasy and F red Ikeler* 1900 and 19 0 2; W. T. Creasy and Jo h n G . Harman* 1^04, T he representation w as then reduced to one mem­ ber, and W . T . C reasy w as elected in 190 6; Charles A . Shaffer* 1908* 19 10, 1 9 12 and 19 14 .


T h e a m o u n t o f m o n e y o u t a t in te r e s t in C o lu m b ia c o u n t y in th e y e a r 19 14 w a s as fo llo w s :

Reaver to w n s h ip ............................................ $ 24.733 Benton borough ............................................ 74.143 Benton to w n s h ip ..................................... 24.733 Berw ick borough .............................. 238,200 H loom sbu rg-^cast................... • ................. 209J03 Btoom iburg— west ........................................ 241*442 Briarcrcek township ..................................... 33.790 ASSESSMENT AND VALU ATIO N* COLUMBIA Catawissa t o w n s h ip ..................................... 10,705 COUNTY Catawissa b o r o u g h ........................................ >45.560 Centralia borough— ist w a rd ...................... 7,147 The total valuation o f property in this county Centralia borough— 2dw a rd .......... 40,925 in 1914* according to the report of the county Centre to w n s h ip ............................................ 55441 ................. 4^ *^ ^ commissioners* w as $131987*354. T h is w as Cleveland t o w n s h ip w n s n ip ........................... 34^ probably less than h alf the real value o f prop­ Conyngham t o o w n s h ip ......................... Pishingcreek t 26,700 erty, when the immense coal deposits in Franklin to w n s h ip ................................. 14.065 334B7 Con)'Tigham township and the m aterials and G reenw ood to w n s h ip ................... 37410 finished products of the m any factories and H em lock touTiship ............ ackson township ........................... 6.751 industrial establishm ents are taken into con­ .ocust t o w n s h ip .................................... 113*60$ sideration. M adison t o w n s n ip ................................. 25,025 42402 Bloomsburg west o f Center street alone had M ain to w n s h ip ....................... 54« l l 3 a valuation o f $1,586,830* which is remarkable* M ifflin townsnip ............................................ 66,389 considering the large amount o f unoccupied M illville borough ip........................................ M ontour t o w n s h ........................................ 10,191 space. Bloom sburg cast o f Center street fo l­ M ount Pleasant t o w n s h ip ........................... 6 $ lp lows with a valuation o f $1*5,^8,005. and B e r­ O ran ge township .................................... • 75,130 wick is third in position* with a valuation o f O ran geville borough Pine to w n s h ip ....................................... 10,963 $1,3 2 1,3 7 5 . Follow ing is the complete list: Roaringcrcdc to w n s h ip ......................... 44*175 ..................... 102,682 B < svtr t o w n s h ip ...................................................... $ 2Z 24 25 Scott to w n s h ip S im r lo a f to w n s h ip ...................................... Beaton t o w n s h ip ..................................... ............... 1S.IW Reoton b o r o u g h ........................................................ i7 Z ,o io Stillw ater b o r o u g h ................................ W est Berw ick— ist w a rd ............................. 29.960 Berw ick b o ro u g h ................................................... W est Berw ick— 2d w a rd ............................... 6 1.745 Bloom sburg—e a s t ................................................... Bloom sburg— w e st • 1.586,830 T o ta l ...........................................................$1,968400 B n arcreek to w n sh ip ............................................. 494.750 C z u w is ia t o w n s h i p ............................................... I 4 ^.JU 5 C z u w issa b o r o u g h ................................................. 5 ^ . p 35 E v e n th o u g h th e fa c t is a c k n o w le d g e d th a t Centralia b o r o u ^ — Is t w a r d ............................ 18 6 ^ 3 0 C o lu m b ia c o u n t v h as b een a lm o s t d e n u d e d o f C em ralia b o r o u g t ^ z d w a r d ................ 98400 Centre t o w n s h i p ...................................................... 518*700 t im b e r, th e r e s tilt r e m a in e d tn 19 14 a t o ta l o f CleTeland t o w n s h i p ............................................... 703,670 7 5,356 a c re s o f tim b e rla n d . O f th is C o n y n g Coojmffham t o w n s n i p .......................................... 1*350^327 lia m is c r e t lite d w it h 1 1* 13 5 a cres* b u t m o s t o f Fishingereek to w n sh ip ........................................ 3 >5 . 7 i 5 it is m o u n ta in scru b* u n fit f o r a n y p u rp o s e b u t FraakUn to w n sh ip ............................................... 1 8 0 ,7 ^ Greenwood t o w n s n ip ............................................ 3 5 1.18 0 m in e p r o p s . T h e t im b e r a re a s in a c re s a r e as Hemlock t o w n s h i p ................................................. 3 ^ 9 6 0 fo llo w s : Jackson to w n sh ip ................................................. 109,075 Locnst to w n sh ip .................................................... 319 ,0 0 3 Beaver township ................................................... 4.56$ Madison to w n sh ip ................................................. 393.240 Benton b o r o u g h ................................................... 413 U sia t o w n s h ip ........................................................... ao.1.810 Benton township ....................... S jp s Mifflin t o w n s n i p ...................................................... 375^5 Briarcrcek to w n s h ip ............................................ 1,741 HitlTille b o rou gh ................................................... 158*305 Catawissa to w n s h ip .............................................. 1,310 Montour t o w n i ^ i p ................................................. 2 7 0 .18 5 Catawissa b o r o u g h ........................... 9 Mount P le a sa n t to w n s h ip .................................... 2 18 ,6 15 Centre to w n s h ip .................. I.303 Orange township.......................................... 176430 Cleveland township ................ 2.913 O ra n g ^ in e b o ro u g h ............................................. i n * S 55 Conyngham to w n s n ip ........................................11,135 Fine t o w n s h ip ........................................................... 129.OW Fishingereek to w n s h ip ........................................ 3,113 B osrin gereek t o w n s h ip ........................................ U & 3 7 8 Ffan klin to w n s h ip .................. 1499 to w n sh ip ........................................................ 4 13 .5 3 s G reenwood township .......... 3.709 S u g irlo a f t o w n s h i p ............................................... I 5 .L9 3 S H em lock township .............................................. 1,720 S tillv a te t b o ro u g h ............................................... ^i* 3 4 S ackson township ..................................................4,188 West B e rw ic k — 1st w a r d ...................................... 604,010 .oeost township ........................................ 2319 West B e rw ic k — 2d w a r d ...................................... 345*24$ M adison tow ninip .............................................. S-iBs M ain township ....................... 1.^3 Total ........................................................ $13,987,354 M ifflin township ........................... 1.9^

