Page:Historical and Biographical Annals of Columbia and Montour Counties, Pennsylvania, Containing a Concise History of the Two Counties and a Genealogical and Biographical Record of Representative Families.pdf/124

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COLUMBIA AND MONTOUR COUNTIES M U lvtlle borough ............................................ H o m o u r t o w D s a ip .......................................... M ourn P le a u iu tow n sh ip ............................... O ra n g e tow nship ............................................ O ra n g e v ille borough ...................................... P in e t o w n s h ip .................................. .............. R oarin gcreek to w n s h ip .................................. S c o tt to w n s h ip .................................................. S u g a r lo a f to w n s h ip ........................................ S tillw a te r borough ........................................ W . C k rw k k — rst w a r d ........................ W . B erw ick — zd w a r d ....................................

19*415 13,060 S,o8o 2.300 K3.0I0 3.600 34.91$ 11.930 3.520 99.155 40*360


fifth o f all the cattle in the county can be found within these three townships. A ll o f the town­ ships and districts except the 2d ward o f Cen­ tralia have at least one cow, but that spot has not on e; and in spite o f its large size, C o i ^ g ham township has but five cattle in its connnes. 'I'he names o f the divisions* number o f cattle and valuation, according to the assessors’ figures, are as fo llo w s: Value 2320

No. T o ta l

............................................................. $1,162,565

Beaver 10 wn s h ip .............. Benton tow n sh ip .............. I n 1914 C o lu m b ia c o u n t y h a d 6 *558 h o rs e s * Benton borough .............. Berwick b o ro u g h ............ m a r e s , g e ld in g s a n d m u le s , o v e r th e a g e o f Bloomsburg— east ........... f o u r y e a r s , w it h a n a g g r e g a t e v a lu a t io n o f Bloomsburg— west ........... $ 3 3 0 ,1 6 0 . M a d is o n t o w n s h ip le d * w i t h G r e e n ­ Briarcrcek to w n s h ip ....... w o o d a c lo s e s e c o n d * b u t t h e a v e r a g e a s s e s s e d Catawissa township ....... Catawissa borough ......... v a l u e v a r ie d g r e a t ly , a c c o r d in g t o th e v ie w s Centralia— 1 st ward ....... o f t h e d if f e r e n t a s s e s s o rs . T h e fig u r e s a r e a s Centre to w n s h ip .............. O eveland township ....... fo llo w s : > Conyngham township . . . . Fismngcreric township . . , Animals Falue B e a v e r to w iu h ip ..................................... 200 $ lOt&o Franklin to w n s h ip .......... Greenwood township . . . . B cn ion tow nship..................................... 29O >5 ^ 5 Hemlock township ......... B en ton b o r o u g h ..................................... ^ 2 ,i^ Jackson township .......... B e rw ic k borough 148 8.91$ Locust township ............ B loom sbu rg—east .............................. 148 61^5 Madison to w n s h ip ........... B lo o m s b u rg -w e s t ga 5^695 Main to w n s h ip ................ B riarcrcek township ........................... 303 C ataw issa tow nship 149 7455 Mifflin township .............. C ataw issa borough 69 2450 M illville b o ro u g h ............ C entralia— 1st w ard 37 520 Montour to w n s h ip ........... C en tralia— 2d w ard 19 760 Mount Pleasant township O range township ............ C en tre to w n s h ip .................................... 374 15.945 Orangeville b o ro u g h ....... C k v c la n d township 307 13,020 C onyngham township 229 9,160 Pine township ................. Pishift|creek township 2S6 12,260 Roaringcredc township .. Fran klin t o w n s h ip ................................ 179 9,010 Scott township ................ G reen w ood to w n s h ip ............................. 414 20,375 Sugarloaf township ....... Stillwater borotigh ......... H e m lo c k tow nship 274 14*5^ Jackson township 175 n.ote W . Berwidc— 1 st w a rd ... W. Berwick— 2d ward . . . L ocu st township 3^ 16.185 M adison townsnip M a in township M ifflin t o w n s h ip .................................... M illv ille borough M o n to u r township M ount Pleasant to w n s h ip O ra n g e township O ra n g e v ille borough P in e tow nship R oarin gcreek township ..................... S cott tow nship S u n r l o a l to w n s h ip ............................... S tillw a te r b o r o u g h ................................ W . B erw id c— Ist w a rd ........................... W . B erw ick — 2d w a rd ...........................

430 197 260 60 167 266 17S 36 217



S to 2,710 11.24$ i3 .o te 7,560 1.275 10425 9^ 7^ 72o5 5410 2.570 1,905 2,055

T o ta l

m m 24 8 44 58 300



9.040 3.635



310 110 9^75 3*895

5 377 205 5 3 11


6*390 2495

IC 9


374 251

544® 2,20s 4*33®




9.615 3.380 545® 455 4.390 5.®35 4.t®S 30® 3.29s 24®0 3*210 2.780

260 4^


250 170

IS 193 120

US 144 21








T h e a m o u n ts p a id f o r liq u o r lic e n s e s by th e v a r io u s to w n s h ip s a n d b o r o u g h s f o r t h e y e a r

19 14

w e r e as fo llo w s :

R eaver township ..................................................$ Benton b o r o u g h ................................................... Benton to w n s h ip .................................................. 170 B erw ick b o r o u g n ................................................. 137 Bloom sburg ......................................................... 24 Briarcreek to w n s h ip ............................................ 33 Catawissa township ............................................ 45 Catawissa borough .............................................. T o U ls ................................................6.558 $330,160 C entralia b o r o u g h ................................................ Conyngham to w n s h ip .......................................... Fishingereek townsnip ...................................... F o r a n u m b e r o f y e a r s M a d is o n , C e n t r e a n d G reen w ood township .......................................... G r e e n w o o d to w n s h ip s h a v e s t r iv e n f o r th e Locust township ................................................. h o n o r o f h a v in g t h e la r g e s t n u m b e r o f c a ttle M adison townsnip .............................................. M ain to w D s b tp ..................................................... w it h in t h e ir b o r d e r s in c o m p a r is o n w it h th e M ifflin townsnip, ................................................. o t h e r t o w n s h ip s o f th is c o u n ty . M o r e th a n o n e - M on tou r townsnip ..............................................

100 200 soo 1,850 4^500 200 200 1,250 4.100 97$ 100 200 300 too too 100 200
