Page:Historical and Biographical Annals of Columbia and Montour Counties, Pennsylvania, Containing a Concise History of the Two Counties and a Genealogical and Biographical Record of Representative Families.pdf/137

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after, by John S. Sterner, and sold to W . B . the hands o f J . L . Fisher, the present landlord. Koons. T he property w as again damaged by "H otel Stauffer” was first opened some fire in 1877. Soon after this it was bought by years ago by M rs. B . Stohner. It had several I. W. M cK elvy, who leased it to George H. tenants and several changes o f name until P. Brow n, W. R . Tubbs, and Jam es McClosky, B . Heddens became the owner and changed successively, until 1894, when Gehrad Snyder the name to "H otel Heddens.” A few years bought it, and conducted it until 1 9 1 1 . Then ago he leased it to the present landlord, E . ames Magee became the owner. Since then Stauffer. lobert J . Huntzingcr has been the landlord. "H otel Irvin ” is leased by Irvin A . Snyder, Conrad Hess ran a hotel on Main street, who for manv years w as connected with the below Jefferson, on the site of the form er I. "Exchan ge Hotel.” It is a modem structure W . Hartman properly, for a number o f years. at Main and Railroad streets, and w as first T he predecessor of the "Central H otel" w as called "H otel L e e ” after the landlord. T he a log structure erected in i S iS b y PhiHp Mehr- next tenant, T . B. Brittain, changed it to ling, who was accidentally killed during its "H otel Brittain,” and M r. Snyder christened construction. Subsequently a b rk k building it with its present name. "H otel H idlay" when first licensed was was erected on the site and conducted and owned by John Laycock from 18 53 until his managed by W. F . Stohner. A t the end o f a death, in 1879. Other owners were 1. S. Kuhn. year Bruce H idlay leased it, and later trans­ C . B . Ent, and J . Kline. Among the other ferred it to his father, A . C. H idlay, who con­ form er landlords were George H . Brown, tinued it until 19 14 . when he sold to O . E . George Aurand, Bernard Stohner, C . B . Ent M yers, the present occupant. ¥ h c "Colonial Hotel,” Mctheral and Guinand Jam es Kline. It is now owned by Mrs. Jam es Kline and is leased by George Wagen- ard, proprietors, is a new and commodious inn seller, who has given the house a high reputa­ at F ifth and East streets. It w as opened in tion. The hotel has in late years been much 19 14 . enlarged and improved. T he "F o rk s H otel." which stood at the head MERCANTILB ESTABLISHMENTS o f Main street, at E ast street, w as built in 1825 by Daniel Snyder, and fo r many years the Philip Mehrling, the first of the Bloomsburg older settlers resorted there to pass the evening merchants, appears to have been a man 0 1 in interchange o f stories and reminiscences. wealth for those times. H e assisted in the de­ It was torn down in 1875. Among the various velopment of the town and built many of the landlords of the "F o rk s " were G . W. Maugcr houses as well as a hotel. In 18 10 a M r. and T. Bent Taylor. T he pump at the com er Bishop opened a store at the northwest com er furnished the hotel water supply. o f Second and Center streets, and John Barton The " S t. Elm o H otel" was first opened by also opened a store about this dale. T lic larg ­ J . L . Girton in the property o f Jam es Cadman. est store in the town was opened by W illiam It has since had a number o f tenants, among M cKetvy in 18 16, on M arket Square, and them H . F . Deilterich, and George Wagen- conducted by him and M cK clvy & Neal fo r scller. It is now conducted by H . S. Kelchner. sixty years. They were succeeded by I. W . T he "C ity H otel" w as first opened by G . W. M cK elvy, until 1894, when the store passed Sterner, who Inught the land o f 1. S. lla rt- into the ownership o f F . P . Pursel, the present man in 1875 and erected the building. H e sold occupant. to the present proprietor, W. A . Hartzell, in T he wholesale drug business o f M oyer Brothers w as founded in 1835 by John R . 18 ^ . Back in the early seventies there was a pub­ M oyer, with a capital o f but $100. A nother lic house in the building now owned by M oyer well known store was that o f E yer & H cfley, Brothers, called the “ City Hotel.” It was which w as carried on from 1835 to 1845. In built by Bernard Stohner, and he and George 1843 I. W . Hartman b ^ n business in the old H . Brown and J . L. Girton were the successive Arcade building, which stood on the site o f landlords until i8 8 t. when it w as purchased the present Townsend building, com er o f by Moyer Brothers, rebuilt and enlarged, and M arket and Second streets. Since then used by them in their extensive FiBST tNOUSTSIES drug business. "E a st End Hotel" w as operated for many M any small shops were established at d iffer­ years by William Giger. Since then it has had several tenants, a few years ago coming into ent early periods in Bloomsburg. catering to
