Page:Historical and Biographical Annals of Columbia and Montour Counties, Pennsylvania, Containing a Concise History of the Two Counties and a Genealogical and Biographical Record of Representative Families.pdf/143

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ton, G . W arr, T. W arr, W. W irt. W . Roan. with few i f any changes. Among other things There were many more charter members. The it provided that a chief engineer and three as­ name w as changed to Rescue Hook and Lad* sistants shall be elected annually in December der Company on M ay 12, 1900. T his com­ by the several fire companies, and that the pany’s location is on E ast F ifth street, above officers shall rotate among the companies, be­ E ast street, where by its own efforts a fine ginning with Friendship No. I, and so on, the brick building has been erected, up-to-date for assistants coming from the companies not hav­ the purposes, with pool tabic, kitchen, quar­ ing the chief. ters fo r apparatus, and with meeting rooms on A fire alarm system was installed in 1900 the second fioor. connected with the courthouse bell, with alarm Winona F ire Company, No. 3, was organ­ boxes in various parts of the town. H . P. ized in Ju ly, 1880, and chartered Aug. 20 .18 8 0 . Chamberlin was the contractor. The charter members w ere: Robert Buckinglam . S . F . Peacock. A rthur A . Clark. E . B. T H E T O W N F O U .N T A IN O ark, C. B . Robbins. W. G a r k Sloan. Geo. E . Elw cll, J . F . Peacock, L ess A lexander, C. F. David Stroup died in August, 1884, and in Woodhousc, E . E . M oyer, J . K . Bitten^nd er, his will made a t r u e s t "to the Town o f F . P. Pursel, R . F . Snyder, II. W . M cK clvy, Bloomsburg to assist in supplying the same F . S . Kinports, L . S . Wintcrstccn, F . D. Dcnt- with water, two thousand dollars, to be in ­ Icr, W. O. Bccklcy, R . R . Little, Paul E . W irt, vested and kept at interest, the latter to be W . B. Alien, Frank Maloy, J . W. Gibbs, W. C- applied to that object, or to be expended upon M cKinney, H . M. Rupert, H arry Billmc>‘cr, water works erected or maintained by the John Palm er. T he company occupied the third Town, or to be invested in stocks or bonds o f fk>or over what is now the Bloomsburg N a­ any water company organized to supply the tional Bank in handsomely furnished rooms, town with water, on such terms as the T o w n and for six or eiglit years k ^ t up an active Council may prescribe.” organization. Each year during the holidays T he Bloomsburg W ater Company proposed it gave a ball which was the leading social that if the town council would cause the money event of the year. But fo r various reasons so devised to be expended in the erection o f a the interest died out, and the organization was fountain at or near the public square the com ­ abandoned. Later on. however, it was renewed pany would furnish water for it free o f e x ­ by younger men, and still exists with a goodly pense. T h is proposition w as accepted by the number o f brave fire fighters. The company council, and a petition setting forth these facts has vcr)' comfortable rooms over the J . l l was presented to the court on Aug. i8, 1892. A fte r the necessary legal proceedings Ju d g e Shaqiless store. Liberty F ire Company, No. 4, w as incor­ Ikeler made a decree granting the petition. porated Feb. 10, 1906, with a large number The town council appointed President F . P . o f charter members. T hey own their own Drinker and Councilmen W. 0 . Holmes an d house through their own efforts. It is located W . II. Gilmore a committee to select a fou n­ on (.eonard street near Main street, and ad­ tain and also the drinking fountain which now mirably adapted to their uses, containing ap­ stands at the post office com er. The fountains paratus and meeting rooms, pool tables, kitch­ were selected, and their erection completed in October, 1892. A n inscription on the la rg e ens, etc. Another company known as the Good Will fountain reads: "Erected by David S tro u p , F ire Company organized about the same 1892.” time, and provided themselves with a chemical outfit, but disbanded after a few years’ e x ­ TOW N H A L L istence. With three fire companies in (own there was 'Fhe (own hall avas erected at E ast and M a in no arrangement for concert o f action in case streets, and dc<licated on Sept. 14, 1890. T h e o f a fire, as there w as no recognized head, and occasion w as obscr'c<l by a parade in w h ich so the companies each appointed a committee numerous organizations took part. A p r o ­ to confer with the others, and to draft a con­ gram consisting of music, and speeches b y a stitution and by-laws for the organization o f a number o f citizens, w as followed, and a la r g e fire department. T he committees performed crowd w as present. T he town is justly p ro u d their duly and on Jan . 25, i8 8 t, the result o f of the hall. It is a three-story brick b u ild in g their work was presented to the town council, o f pleasing architecture. On (he first Boor is and approved by that body, and stands to-day the council room. Friendship F ire G m p a n y