Page:Historical and Biographical Annals of Columbia and Montour Counties, Pennsylvania, Containing a Concise History of the Two Counties and a Genealogical and Biographical Record of Representative Families.pdf/149

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proved m achinery, including the roller process, T ooley & Co., C . R . Stcckcr, J . L . Sharplcss. and has a capacity o f six ty barrels o f flour Schneider Brothers (w h o lesale), C . H. Sharpper day exclu sive of the corn meal and feed less, H . G . Pennington, A . L . Snyder, J . K. mills. M r. ik eler is a practical m iller o f many Pensyl, F r i u & F ritz, C . H . H arris, S. A years' cxi>crience. In connection with the m ill­ I.u u, J . C . K ah ler, A . J . L c a m, Theodorc Gat' ing business he handles coal and wood. rison, F . M . E verett. T . C . Snyder, Geoige T rum p, K . M . M oon, M rs. E . Cronin, G. 1’. T h e DiHon Greenhouses D avis. U . W. Cherrington, M rs. C . E . Kckhner. M rs. S . D avid, / . C, H ile, M rs. W. H. are among the largest establishments of the H artzell, J . L . T urner. kind in the State. In 1875 this enterprise w as Confectioner)- and icc cream parlors arc con­ established in a com paratively sm all w ay by ducted by E . .VI. Savid ge, M arm any Brothers, the late J . L . Dillon, w Ik> fo r a number o f A lexan d er & Co., J . L . Pohe & Son. W. F. years w as one o f Bloom sburg’s leading busi­ (5 ’Neitl, P . B . Ir-in, Jo h n Bush, Jo e Fest, A ness men. T h e original houses w ere located Sw cisfo rt. T he restaurants arc kept by Mrs. back of the normal school, having something Freeze. Ralph H. Sm oyer. W. Eastman, and o ver 40.000 square feel o f glass. T w enty .-Vlcxander & Co. y e ars ago the houses on F ifth street w ere com ­ T h ere arc but five licensed retail liquor es­ menced and these were added to from time tablishments in Bloom sburg, exclusive of the to time, until there arc now fifteen, having hotels, which are licensed, and they arc kept almost 100,000 square feet o f glass, ^^omc by Gilm ore Bros., Jo h n G ross. J . E . Zeigler, years ago the normal school purchased the land Fran k D err, Joseph Sands. J . S . Bachman is where the greenhouses stood on the hill, and the onlv licensed wholesale dealer. in accordance with the agreement the buildings O f the exclusive cigar stores there arc four, w ere removed and possession delivered to the the establishments o f W illiam V ial, The Pal­ school in M ay, 1 9 1 3, the entire Dillon busi­ ace, J . Ralston, E d w ard Sh affer. There are ness bein^ removed to the F ifth street location. m any liarber shops, kept b y E . F . Row, James A fte r M r. D illon’s death the business w as fo r R eilly, G lasgow Cam eron, F ran k P ark s, Frank a time conducted by his heirs. It is now in Gensem er, C harles Fish er, F red V'andcrslke, the hands o f his w idow, w ho is ably assisted A . R . Kashner. by her son C harles and her nephew, C harles M eat M arkets— F ran k Bom boy, D . L . BomHutchison. boy, R . A . H icks. C . Bcrgold, Paul & Pensyl. J . K. W hite, C . P . K ressler. M iscellaneous M ercantile H ouses Coal Dealers— J . S . E d w ard s. W. R. K ocher, R . R . Ikeler. Harm an & Hassert. A t the head of the list o f mercantile estab­ W . H . H enrie, O . W'. Drake. lishments in Bloom sburg arc the department W all Paper— P . K . Vannatta, S . R . Bidlestores. T h e store o f Gelb & M aye r carries man. S . L . .-Vpplcman. everything fo r the household and in the line Plum bers— W . O . H olm es & Son, W. F. o f w earing apparel, except men’s clothing. H artm an. L . C . Conner, W'illiam Ludw ig. E h v id M ayer is the m anaging proprietor. M illinery— M rs. Jo h n T ra c y, M rs. KImer T h e other department stores are the l.ead cr B ru gler. M rs. C. C. Furm an, M iss Bessie Sto re Com iiany, Lim ited, with two branches, Q uick, M iss A d a C ox. at the corner o f Fourth and M arket streets, Pianos and M usic— M rs. F . A nstock, Janies and in the F.xchangc M otel; and F . P . Pursel, I I . Saltzcr. the oldest and largest in town, at the com er Shoes— Buckalew & K em p, C, M . Evans, Ao f M ain and M arket streets. H eym an Broth­ D avis, R alph H . Sm oyer. ers carry m en's and women’s wear, and BresSlioem akcrs— R . R . H artm an, Otto Wolfe. nick’s W om en's Shop has everything for L lo yd H artm an. Clothing— Jo h n R . Tow nsend, D . Lowenwomen. T h e druggists are M oyer Brothers, C . A . berg Estate. C . C . H ouscnick & C o., L . Gross K leim, J . H . M crccr, W . S . Rishton. George & Son, A . E v an s, Em il K ro ll, B . T . l^ursd. A . M cK clvy, G . P . Ringlcr. M anufacturers’ Clothing Co. H ard w are Dealers— J . R . Schu yler, W'. Je w e le rs— Jam es E . R oys, G eorge W . Hess. M c K . R ebcr. H . B . Sharplcss. G eorge Roscnstock. Electrical Supplies— H . S . K au ffm an, F . P. Saddlers— M . I.. K line, Sam uel Pullen. F iv e and T en Cent Stores— F . W'. WoolE d w ard s. G eorge F.. Keller. T h e grocers and provision dealers a r c : J . F . worth & Co., T h e F air.