Page:Historical and Biographical Annals of Columbia and Montour Counties, Pennsylvania, Containing a Concise History of the Two Counties and a Genealogical and Biographical Record of Representative Families.pdf/179

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mortgage on the parsonage was entirely paid, first officers elected w ere: Rev. D, J . W al­ ler* Jr.* president; W. H . Brooke, vice presi­ freeing the church completely o f debt. dent; A . N . Yost* secretary; V. B . Cummings* Church o f Christ corresponding secretary; E . B. Tustin* treas­ urer. Rooms were secured in the second and Starting out a few years ago with only a third floors of the Dentler building* and in­ few members who held regular meetings in a cluded a meeting hall* reading and game rooms* room over the Hess jew elry store, the congre­ which were conveniently fitted up and nicely gation of the Church o f Clirist has grown furnished. rapidly until now they own a large corner lot In 1899 the William Xeal property was pur* at Fourth and W est streets and occupy a chased and rearranged for the use of the asso­ handsome frame structure built upon the West ciation. Dr. W aller was president until 1894* street side of the tot. Intervening between and his successors were Dr. J . P. Welsh* S . C. those two extremes* however* there were years Creasy, F . X . Turner, C . H . Albert and W . L. o f struggle and toil, the results of which the White. The successive secretaries were li. V. congregation is now reaping. A fte r purchas­ Armstrong* C . E . Kcsty, C. D . Lynn* B . F . ing the present lot they built a small rude Armstrong* U. G . M oigain, A . E . Barton and structure on Fourth street in which they met W . H . W alters. until it proved to be inadequate to meet the Excellent work was done, but the financial demands of the congregation* so the present support w as not sufficient to warrant a con­ structure w as erected. tinuance, so in December, 1905, an offer h av­ T his church wa.s orgwizc<t March lo* 1902* ing been made fo r the purchase of the prop­ the first pastor being Kev. R . H . Sawtellc, of erty, it was sold to Caidw'cll Consistory fo r the Stillwater Cliurch. H e was succeeded in $12*000, and the association suspended A p ril 1904 by Rev. G . C. Zeigler. Following pastors I * 1906. T hey then purchased from j . L . have been Revs. H . R . Bixell, 19 10 - 12; H . H. Dillon the PhiUips lot, on Market street, next Carter, 19 12 - 1 4; and C V . Huffer, the pres­ to the post office, for $8,000, and in April* ent pastor. T he present officers of the church 1Q06, sold 4 feet front and 90 feet depth to a r e : G . G . Baker, A . M . Stevens, W . Brook­ the First National Bank for $i,^X ). The re ­ ing, J . W. Mordan* A . L . W alter, C . D. Foll­ mainder of the lot is still owned by (he A sso ­ mer, O. W. Ashworth, Charles Munson. ciation, but is vacant* and there is no imme­ diate prospect o f its being utilized for Y . M . Pentecostal Church C . A. purposes. T he Eighth Street Mission Church was erected in 1803 by W. B . Cummings, and was Y O t :N U W O S a F .N 'S C U R I S T I A S A S S O C IA T IO N first called the Methodist Mission. On Ju ly 9 * 1908, it w as organized as the Pentecostal A power for good in the life o f Bloomsburg Church of the Nazarene* with Kev. H. G. was the Young Women’s CTiristiaii A ssocia­ Trum bauer as pastor H e served until July* 19 12, when he accepted a call elsewhere, and tion, which* organized several years ago, cnw as succeeded by Rev. H . N . Haas* who be­ dcavorcfl and succeeded in doing for the g irls of the town what the Young Men’s Christian gan his pastorate on A pril 1, 19 13 . Association did fo r the men. Not only w as the religious part of the girls' lives given carefu l M, E . Church direction, hut classes in practical subjects w ere The A frican Methodist Episcopal G iurch conducted, the better preparing them for fu ­ w as organized in 1870. Rev. 1>. J . Waller* Sr., ave the building site on First street* near ture careers. Located in the Evans building, farkct* and M rs. E dgar donated the lumber the Association succeeded in getting close to for the building. T he first pastor w as Rev. a large number of the girls of the coinniunity John Henson* who had hccn a slave at one and the work has without doubt left its im ­ time. H is successor was Rev. William West. print. Many social affairs given under the The present pastor is Rev. W. T . Watson, who direction of the Association aided mightily in also has charge of the Danville Church. maintaining interest. Unfortunately the w ork lagged for want o f financial support, and the Y O C K C M K S ' S C H R I S T I A N A S S O C IA T IO N organization disbanded. M rs. George E . W il­ T lic Y . M. C . A . o f Bloomsbui^ was organ­ bur w as the organizer and the leading spirit ized Nov. 16* 1890, in Hartman’s hall, and the during its cxistctKC.
