Page:Historical and Biographical Annals of Columbia and Montour Counties, Pennsylvania, Containing a Concise History of the Two Counties and a Genealogical and Biographical Record of Representative Families.pdf/18

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HISTORICAL INDEX Waller ...................................... 212.

Centralia ............................ M illville ........................ W elliver, Daniel ................... .......................1 S2, H3 588 W ellivcraville ........................ , W aller. M ary K n m a 196. 8 18 Welsh, Judson P., Ph.D . . . . W ar Footing. Columbia Coun­ W est Berwicfc Borooyh. .149, ty ....................................... 82 Wheeler, Fort ...................... W ar KeconU o f the Couotiea 22 Whitmire .............................. W aterwofka— Wigwams .............................. Benton ..................................215 Wilhurton .............................. Berw kk ............................. 158 Williamsburg (L ig h t S tr e e t). B loom xbu rg......................... U 8 W illiam s G r o v e ................. .. C aU w itsa ........................... 1 8 1 W illow G r o v e ................. 222, W aller. Kev. I). J 59, 12 4 , U 5 W aller. Rev. D. J., J r...........

JJIl 234 H 255 127 1 8 fl 16 222 i 48 gfii 2 1Q 2 13

xt W illow Springs .................... 223 W illow rale .............................. 212 W irt. Paul K ........................ 118 Woodin. aem u ci R 162,882 Wooilin, W illiam U 161. 182 Woodward, lion. Warren J .. 4fi W yom ing Valley, G eo lo g y... 28 Young Men*s Christian Aaaoelation ..................^ 16 6 . 170 Young Women's Christkan A hsoeiation ............................ 118

M ONTO UR CO U N TY Academy. Danville ............... 161 View, 1660 ........................ 281 Afrioaii M. E. Church 151 AgncuHural Sodetiea. Mon­ tour O o u D iy ...................... 22 Amerman. Dr. Alonzo 222 AmerouD, Charles V ............. 228 Ammerman, IL S c o tt... .319. 668 Angle, F. C ...................... 319| 868 Anthony, Judge Joseph B .. 66, 112 Anthony Township ............... 288 Associate J u d ge s.............314. 228 A ttorneys .............................. I l l Attorneys, D is t r ic t ............... 228 Baldr. E dvard U ............. H L 828 Baldy Guards ...................^ gQM Baldy, Peter. 8 r ...................... .............2 h7, 328, 222, 347, 228 Baldy. W ilfu m J 7 7 .........316, 528 Bankt. U an valle..................... 325 Exchaoge ................ 338 B a p tis ts ................... 252* 255* 326 Bare, U a r ^ C ........... 328 Beaver. Thom as. . . . 281* 22L 108 Beaver, Thomas. (Y ee Library 381 View ................................. 281 Beach and Bar...................... 211 Best. Valentine 216, 225* 558* 311 Biddle, W illiam .......................281 B illm rrer Family 394. 4ki! Bi1lmeyer*a Park ................. 393 Bitler, Dr. Benjamin R ..«12 1* 6214 B'nai Xion Synagogue........... 355 Boroughs— Danville .............................. 222 WasbinglODville ............... 39L Borough Officials. D an ville... 122 Bcaley M ill and V o rt U , 222 B o o n ^ r r U oee ................. 228 Boyd. John C 256, i2 1 Boyle's iBrady’a) Fort . . . . 281 Brickyards ...................... 328 Bridges— DanviUe. .. 2 1 338 (V ie w ). 388 L itw rtr Township ............. 261 Bright, P eter 2S£i 112 Brower. D. H , B., Recollec­ tions ............ 281 Brown. George B .. .990. 364. 383 Butler, George D .....................3IX

Canal, North Branch............. 231 Courthouses, Old and Present I View s)— Ckthotica ..........................2 5 8 ,2 2 8 A t Blovnuburg ................. 88 (h itile Kpidemie ........... 28 A t Danville .........................H I C em eteriea 37| 22H| 222i i8 1 CVntrc T u rn p ik e ................... Creeks ................................. 16 Cross Keys Tavern ................. 188 Clialfant, Charles ................. 1 1 6 Chalfant, Thomas ..........991. 33r > Curry. Ur. Kduin A 32J. 482 Curry F a m i l y ................. 394. 400 Cliapmao. Judge 8 e tb 85* Churches (Sec Under Denom­ inations! Oum. Roaring Creek............... 366 Circuits, Methodist EpUcopnt Danville Acadotuy .. 362 ............................... 00, l i l View ................................. 381 Danville B lu e s . 368 Civil War, Montour Countv Iksiivilk* Borough • • . . . . .273. 26£ Soldiers ........................ 29^ 304 Civil W ar. R oster..............aiiw-aoi Ihinville Bridge ............... 51, 286 View ....................................218 Clark. Cbl. Robert................. 188 Clark's Tavern ............... 394. 288 Danville Female Sem inary.. 261 Danville Fencibles ............... 266 Cleaver F a m ily ...............m , 363 Clerks. Chunty .................... 321 Danville Foundry A klachine Coal ......... 18 Co. ........................................318 (Ywk Robin MitL D an ville... 311 Danville High School................118 Columbia Guards ..............73, 221 Dnnvitle In slitu tr ............... 362 Danville Light Itorsi! ComColumbia Seminary ............. H i panv ....................................368 Chinly ........ 388 Danviilr Iron Foundry 318 Comly Fam ily ...................... 2 1 8 Danville Iron W orks............. i l l Comly. Josbua W ................... 2 1 5 ............... 262 Commissioners, C o u n t y 228 Danville M ilitia Company Store. Old, Danville 328 Danville M illing O om pauy... 318 V i e w ....................... 216 Danville Nail A M fg. C o . . . . 318 CongregaUonalista, Welsh . . . 385 Diinville lYwt O flkc............... 388 DunviMe S tove A M fg. 0 6 .. 331 C>>ngre«siona1 D istricts.. . S9. 2 2 5 ConayeMmen ..................... 22. 325 DHnville Structural Tubing Co....................................... 318 Continental Fire Company . . 318 Doon, John. S r ................. 2 h4, 352 Oonyngham, Judge John N. lAckawanna A 66, 311 Delaware. Western Railroad ............. 268 Cooper, John ............ 31A Derry C h u reb........................ 188 (Yxiper Township ............. 100 Derry Township ................... 368 0>*operatlve Iron and Steel W orks ..................................322 District Attorneys ............... 328 DUtrlcts— Cornelison, J o s e p h 292. ia 8 Congressional 22« 328 County Buildings, M o n to u r.Tudielal ........................ IL . 318 Original .............................. 225 l^egislativc ............. 56* 68* 328 Present ............................. ^77 Donnel. Judge Cliarlee J . . J-2L382 County F a i r s ..................... 22 County 0 (Y icia U .......................525 Efl riy Families. Montoii r County O rganization.. , . 27.3, 276 C<mnty ................................ 222 County Seat Contest. ^£2,2?.i 225 Earlv History. Montour County Superintendents, Cminly ................................ 223 R c lm l .............................. 116 Fa**t End M iss io n ............... 382 Hckinan. Col. Charles w gn v i 8 i Courtho4)»e .................

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