Page:Historical and Biographical Annals of Columbia and Montour Counties, Pennsylvania, Containing a Concise History of the Two Counties and a Genealogical and Biographical Record of Representative Families.pdf/191

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handsomely fitted up* and admirably adapted to the needs of the business. T he B cn v ic k Saxings & Trust Company was founded to fill the want of a savings liank fo r the workers of Berwick, and tt has grown into strong popular favor. Business was be* gun in 1903 with a capital stock o f $125,000* paid in. and the following were the first offi* ce rs: S. W. Dickson, president; O. F . F e r­ ris* Isaiah Beaver* vice presidents; B. D. Freas. treasurer; C. C Evans, solicitor. Di­ rectors: H. F . Glenn* II. R . Bower, J . M. Schain* J . U. Kurtz, V. W. Hanly* F . A . Witman. M. M. H arter, C . C. Evans, Duval Dick­ son, B. H. Dodson* W. F . Lowry* J . J . Myers* R . H . Davenport, O. F . Ferris, C. D. Raton, Isaiah Bower. F . Carkins, F . E . Brockway, J . E . Smith, J . L . Evans, S . W. Dickson. The bank is located in the Dickson build­ ing, and conducts a general banking busi­ ness* while the trust department acts as ex* ccutor, administrator* guardian and trustee, and in all other fiduciary capacities. T h e Berwick Building and Loan Associa­ tion was organized in 1894 and has done a good work in enabling persons o f smalt means to acnuirc homes. I n 19 14 the association had $05,62^ outsunding on m ortgages; $6*185 on association stock; a net profit o f $4*019 for the year, and 967 shares outstanding. The net pronts from the time o f organization were 928,782. T he capital authorized by the char­ ter is $500,000. T he officers for 19 14 a rc : A . D. Seely, pre.sident; Jam es E . Sm ith, vice president; John W. Evans, treasurer; John H. Smethers, secretary; Jam es L . Evans* solicitor. D irectors: B . D . Freas, Frank Shivc* Jam es L . Evans, C. C. Lockhart, A . D. Seely, John A . Kepner, P . C Currin, Charles F . Hartman, Jam es E . Smith.

holders within the limits of the town. An election was ordered held in Februaiy, 1902, but on the 3d o f that month the court an ­ nulled the decree on the ground that alt the requirements of the law had not been com­ plied with. A new petition was filed* and on Alay to. 1902. the l>orough w as declared to be legally established* the election day being fixed as Ju n e 24th. T he election resulted as follow s: EH Sherwood* burgess; J . M. F a ir­ child, John Dodson. W alter H u ^ c s* J . C. Sponcnbcig* Clark I Idler* W illiam Zerinden, councilm cn; Jacob Smith. Samuel Hess* 0 . F . Ferris, George K. I..aub. R . Funk, C. G . Crisman, school directors; Wilson Bond. Chester Marr* overseers of the poor. On Sept. 7* 1905, the l>orot^h w as d id d ra into tw'o wards. 1lie officials for 19 14 a r e : Chief burgess, C . V^ F re a s: members of council, I). R . F a r ­ rell. George Knechl. H arry Raslcy. W esley Fairchild, C. W. Helt, Jam es L e v a n : ooor overseers, Frank Creasy, Chester M a r r; justices of the peace, Frank Fenstermachcr* Samuel Crouse. T he W'est Berwick d t y hall is a fram e building, erected in 1903. The upper part is use<l fo r council meetings and the lower floor fo r the fire department. B F J tW IC K W A T K R C O M F A N Y

The Berwick W ater Company, one of the oldest incorporated companies doing a pub­ lic scrxHce business in the eastern part o f Pennsylvania, dates its beginning as a char­ tered .servncc company with the founding of the borough o f Berwick, within the territory o f which il has carried on its operations— a contemporary indeed of the borough; fo r the town o f Berwick settled in 1786 was in­ corporated as a borough by act o f Assembly Jan . 29, j8 i8, while the licrwick W ater Com ­ pany was incorporated Jan . 27, 1818. bellowing the passage of the act provid­ O F F I C I . L S O F n F K W lC K ing for the incorporation of the company the Berivick w as incorporated as a borough Jan . promoters of the enterprise l>cgan to secure 29. i8iK, but the names of the first officers subscriptions to its capital. ” A suitable book,” have become buried in the archives of the as directed in the act, w as provided and is past* too deep for tho w riter to unearth. still in existence among the archives of the T h e officials in 19 14 a re : F . R. Kitchen, com{iany. in which the subscriptions o f some bu rgess; C. K. Sitler, C . E . Ross, W. T . Stout, sixty persons are recorded in the original Thormis Morton, William Kaup* E . A . Glenn, handwriting. Among the names appears those Elliott Adams, councilmcn. The city halt is lo­ o f many of the progenitors of the citizens of cated on Second street. this vicinity, fo r exam ple: John Brown* Sam ­ uel Headley. Thomas. Jesse and Christopher WEST IlK R W r C K Bowman. Samuel Jackson, Robert McCurdy* A petition presented Sept. 2, 19 0 1. was ap­ Thom as C. Foster* Amassa Burlingame, John proved on Sept. 5th, and on Dec. 9th the final Cooper, Hugh Tliumi>son, Evan Owen, George decree w as made declaring West Berwick a Mack, Samuel Herrin. T he incorporators early set about putting borougl). T licrc were then seventy-five free­