Page:Historical and Biographical Annals of Columbia and Montour Counties, Pennsylvania, Containing a Concise History of the Two Counties and a Genealogical and Biographical Record of Representative Families.pdf/20

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Red Horse H otel.................... 381 North Branch C a n a l . . . . . . . . 261 Surreyora .............................. 327 Reformed Denomination . . . . Northern Montour AgrkulSuspender Factories, Danville 338 (ural 2 m k ty ....................... 22 331^ 391. 393^ 397. 401. 162 SusqueJuitina R iv e r..293. 369, 398 Reminiscencva, l^mviRc . . . . 318 NorthumberlaiM M. Cir­ Bwenoda .............. 162 Krpresenta t i veo— cuit ......... ......................60, 342 Taverns. O l d ............................ 382 C on grw aional................. 89* D a n v ille ................................368 Official*, County .................... 326 8tate ....................................328 Taxable*. L U t of, 1798 (M a ­ Officials, Danville .............. 321 Republican R ally ................. 362 honing Tp.> .........................397 Oglsaby, Dr. James 32S. 1 6 1 Rescue Fire Company 318 Teachers* Jnstitules ............. 310 (Wifwby. W illiam V 330, *66 Rlxidca, n. K ............................ 312 Telephones .............................. 295 Old Onstm ilU ...................... 31 Rhode*. John ...................... 292 T o ll Ratca. 1838.......................326 V ie w .......................... 32a Ridgevi He ................................361 Topography and Ck-ology. . . . 16 Old Tavcm a. DunvUte 358 R iver Front l*ark, D anville.. 372 Township V o m a t i o u ..............336 Oldest House in County Roads, Turnpike .....................263 I V iew ) ................................ 325 Roaring Creek ...................... 368 Townships— Anthony ............................ 388 Organization. Montour County Roaring Creek Furnace.. .24. 366 Cooper ............................... 366 ................................... 2 1 i 228 Robbins, Dr. Jau e* E . .. 324. 612 Derry ....................................361 Ottawa ................................... 368 Rockefeller. Judge W illia m T E 312 U b crty .............................. 394 Roman Catholic* ........ 358. 390 Ilm cstono ................. 368 f^ n U Factory, Dan villa 238 Mahoning ...................... 397 Parks. D a R T ill^ Randel. Dr. J. H 694 Ifayb crry .......................... 398 Market Square ................. 121 Scarlet, Jame* ............... 315, ilD VaUey ............................... 166 Memorial ........................ 2Z2 School* ............................ 305 tS'est H e m lo c k ................... 166 River Front ........................ 222 (See also Borough and TFadcamcn. Early, D anville.. 386 Patron* o f Husbandry 2S Township Chapter*.) Training School, Oeisloger I^ ite n , Dr. Rooert 8 ISS, 655 Danville ............................. 2 £ i H ospiU l ............................ 381 Patterson, Rev. John R ........ School*. Free ........................ 368 5'i f w .................... 36* Superintendents, ........................ 222i 22>ij 321 S c h o o l Paulea, Dr. W illiam R . .3 S 7 rll)Q» C o u n t y ............................... 316 Treasurers, C o u n ty ...............320 ...................222 tVansylvania R ailroad.. .261. 266 Danville ............................. 324 T u rn p ik e s Petrikin, Dr. David. .321. 325. 328 Schultz, Dr. Solomon S ........ V alley Furnace .................... 401 Philadelphia A Reading R ail­ .............................. 322, aOL 126 V alley T b w n sb ip ................... 40Q road ......................................261 Sechler, I L B. D .................... 288 Van .-Men, T . 0 .................... 266 Phi lanthropic Institutions, Sechler. Jacob ...................... 286 van Foasen, George W . .. . . . 321 Danville ............................. 386 Seidel. Arren E ............... 393, 859 Vaatine. Dr. Jacob U . . . .322. I l l Physicians ............................ 361 Senators. State .......................326 Vinceot, Henry .................... 318 Planing ktills. Danville 336 Settler*, Early ............... 221. 221 Vorls, J a m e s 887| 725 pollock. Judge Jamea 88* 312 (See aUo Borough and Poor F a r m 307. 40t Township Chaptera.I W^alker, Robert .................... 663 IW tm asters. Dnni'tlle ............388 Sharp R i d g e ........................... 398 W ar o f 1812, Montour County Po«tmaaters. W hite H a l l . . . . 387 Sbclbari. J a c o b .......................282 Soldiers ..............................668 PiMtmaHterv. E x ch a n g e 382 blieriff* .............................. 937WushingU'n Fire Company.. 3Z8 PiMi Office. Danville............. 388 Sboop, Gideon M ..................... £26 W ashingtoaville Borough . . . 221 Post O ffice, l i s t o f County Ifi Shreeve. Capt. Joseph E . .299. 362 W ashin^onville. Port ....... . 392 IVesbyterians ....................... ShuHz. Dr. Benjamin F 2P0. 222 W*aterman A Beaver Store, 332* 31^ 36L 3g£, 393, 395, 402 .Silk M ill. Danville................ 332 Danville ............................ 3*4 Presbvteries ............................ 336 Simington, Dr. R. S ................ 222 View ................................. 266 PresHlent Judges .. ............. -M i Smack. Daniel ....................... 368 Waterworks, D a n v ille 32ft Prim itive M eth od ists 390 Sohliera' Monument, Danville 322 WVIh Thomas C H, 320. fi82 V i e w .................................... 222 W est, W illiam K Prominent Farmers ........ 30 319, 462 Protcatant Episcopal Denom­ Spanish*American W ar, Mon­ W o «t Hemlock Tow nship.. . . I f t l tour County Soldier* 36i ination 346. 386 W hite H all .. .................... 3 5 1 ProthonotftHe* ......... 327 State Hospital for Insane, UTiite H all H o te l 38, 381 Piirsel, Dr. Isaac................... 321 Danville ........................ 386 Wilson, Capt. John S . .. . . . 20? Views ..................................28ft Wilson, Nathaniel . . . . . . . . . 286 Qoarriea ............................... 366 State S e n a to rs ....................... 325 State Representatives .......... 328 Vi-omans. Rev. Dr. John W . . 316 Yorks Koniily 292, 883 Railroads ............................... 261 Steel Plant. Danville............... 336 Young, Dr. Ikmjamin F 252 Strawberry R i d g e ................... 363 Rank, Daniel W 318, 654 Young Men's Clirbtian Asso­ Rank. Isaac .......................... 288 Sfmwbndge. Dr. James D . . . 321 ciation ............................... 386 Reading Iron Comnanv. . 329. 334 Strawbridge, 0>l. T lio m a s... 361 View .................................. 352 Reeordera. Countr ............... 32T S trcr’a Comera ...................... 402

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