Page:Historical and Biographical Annals of Columbia and Montour Counties, Pennsylvania, Containing a Concise History of the Two Counties and a Genealogical and Biographical Record of Representative Families.pdf/214

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Morton. W illard Smith, George Henkleman, have been: W illiam S . H all, 18 4 2; Rosw ell R . C . E . Ferris, W. S. Johnson, John H . Smeth­ Prentiss, >845; I..evi Hamlin, 18 49; John S. M iller, 18 5 0; John H. W orrell, 18 5 2; E . M . crs, Charles C. Evans. .Alden, i ^ : John R . Shanafelt, 10 5 8; W il­ Boptisls liam W . Case, 18 6 3: William Leacock. 18 6 5; George J . Brensinger, 18C6; O . S . Rhoads. Preaching was held in Berwick in 1841 by 1868; W alter Cattcll, 18 7 0; R . C. H . Catterall, Rev. J . S . M orris fo r the Baptists of the grow ­ 18S0; W illiam T . Galloway, 18 8 4; P . S. ing town, but it w as not till the coming of Brewster, 1889; Albert Hatcher Smith, 18 9 4; Rev. W illiam S . H all in 1842 that a regular or­ N . C. N aylor, 1 9 0 1; W. Gordon Jones. 190 6; ganization w as effected. T he sermons o f Mr. Horace C. Broughton, 19 0 7; Charles E . M il­ M orris were delivered in the Methodist church, ler. 1909. but M r. H all held a scries o f meetings con­ T he officials fo r the ye ar 19 14 a rc : Deacons tinuously in the storeroom o f Samuel K. Head­ — Hiram Eveland, E . M . Kocher, H arry F a h ­ ley, com er o f Second and M u lb e r^ streets, ringer, W. J . H arris, J . F . Birth. T ru ste c » ~ the result being forty-two conversions. On J . n . Catterall, president; O . K . M cH enry, Sept. 25, 1842, the congregation w as organized secretary: W . J . H arris, E . M . Kochcr. Joseph in Williams Grove, I^scopcck, with thirteen Kirkendall, J . F . Birth, Stephen K nclly, J . G . members, as follow s: J . T . Davis, B . S . Brock­ Welch, W alter Swank. way, J . S . H avner, L evi L . T ate. A bram M il­ ler, J . D. Dodson, Casper Reed, Jo el E . B rad ­ Boxver M em orial Church ley, Jacob Rider, P erry Gilmore, Thom as P. Coles, Thom as W ilford and John Whitman. Bower Memorial United Evangelical Church T he first deacons were Messrs. Davis, M iller established in M arch, 18 7 1, with Rev. P . and Tate. H. Rishel in charge. A t that lime a class, com ­ A s the Baptist cause prospered, need o f a posed o f Isaiah Bower, Hannah Bower, H enry permanent place o f meeting became impera­ J . Clewell, Susan Clewell, Elizabeth Clewell tive. A charter fo r the new church was se­ and Fannie Kirkendall, met in the town hall cured, and a site for the new building, located •and held services there weekly until 1874. In on the south side o f West From street, be­ March. 18 7 1, Rev. W. H . Buck was placed in tween M ulberry and Vine streets, w as do­ chaige. remaining until 1872. R ev. E . Sw ennated by Sister Ann P . E v a n s; and a frame glc followed him. In 1873 Rev. W. H. Buck structure, with a seating capacity o f about returned, and the congrraation having in ­ two hundred, w as erected, dedicated Ju ly 4, creased greatly it was decided to build. D u r­ ing that year the first church, o f brick, w as 1843 A t a time when the church had just finished b ^ i i, and in Jan u a iy . 1874, w as finally dedi­ paying o ff a debt o f $1,40 0 fo r repairs, at an cated by Rev. H . B . H artzler (now B ish op ), carlv hour, on W ednesday morning, Aug. 14, Revs. M. J . Carothcrs, George Hunter, S . T . 1878. the building w as burned to the ground. Buck and H . W . Buck assisting. T h at build­ It w as decided to rebuild at once; funds were ing cost $^,750, and was located on Second, solicited, and the cornerstone of the new between Pine and Chestnut streets. structure w as laid on Sept. 27th of the same T he congregation has been served by the year. following pastors since its foundation: H . W . The cornerstone of the present church Buck, 18 7 1- 7 3; S. P . Rcemer, 18 7 4; W . M . building w as laid on 'Fhursday, Ju n e 6. 1894, Croman, 1875-76; J . A . Irvine, 1877-78; J . the sermon being preached by R ev, Dr. M. Ettingcr, 18 7 9 -0 1: H . W. Buck, 18 0 2-8 4; W oods, o f Williamsport. T his was made J . J . Lohr, 1885-87; E . Crumbling, 1888-90; necessary by reason of the fact that the old G . E . Zchner, 18 9 1-9 2; A . Stapleton, 1893building had been found to be unsafe 9 4; J . C. Rccscr, 1 8 9 5 - ^; J . T. Lohr, 1 8 ^ W iihin the last five years extensive im­ 1 9 0 1; H . W . Ruck, 1902-04; I. W . Thompson, provements have been made to the church; a 1905-08; I. E . Spangler, 19 0 0 -12; W. B. C o x , slate roof put on, a steam heating plant in- 19 12 -14 . st.'illcd, the Sunday school room and audito­ During the pastorate o f Rev. J . W . Thom p­ rium frescoed, the church rccarpetcd, the base­ son it w as decided to replace the old building ment remodeled, and other lesser improve­ with one o f latg«i’ and modem construc­ ments ntade. 'flic present pastor. Rev. Charles tion, and this resulted in the dedication o f E . M iller, came to Berwick in 1909. the present beautiful church on Sept. 23, 1906. Pastors of the church since organization The congreg.ition unanimously decided to