Page:Historical and Biographical Annals of Columbia and Montour Counties, Pennsylvania, Containing a Concise History of the Two Counties and a Genealogical and Biographical Record of Representative Families.pdf/224

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men of the community. Three of the mem­ bers o f this commandery were also members of the Supreme Commandery of the Continent o f Am erica, A. E . Shuman, John R . McAnall and George W. Suit (deceased). T he grand commandery o f Pennsylvania held the annual session in Berwick in 1893, with W. J . Rough, grand commander. T he commandery now meets every Thursday evening in the Odd F el­ low s' hall. Reagan B . Johnson is the present commander, and 1. L. B . M artz, recorder. .Anak Siesta, No. 77, Princes o f Bagdad (a side tlcgrce of the Knights o f M alta), was organized in 1907, with a membership of eighty. It has had a steady increase in mem­ bership and has proved the cementer o f bonds o f brotherhood between the younger members of the knights.

Knapp Lodge, No. 462, Free and Accepted Masons, o f Elcnvick, w as constituted March 2, 1870, with the following officers and mem­ b ers: John V. Taylor, worshipful m aster; Frank Brockw ay. senior w arden; George B . Thompson, junior warden. Charter mem­ b ers: John I I . T aylor, Fran k E . Brockway, George B . Thompson, Clarence G- Jackson, A. H. .lacCrea, Menry C. Freas. Clemuel K. Woodin. Samuel Hetler, Hudson Owen, Daniel Reedy, W illiam H . Woodin, Adrian Vanhouten, R . H . Little, I. W. Dreisbach, Nicholas Seybert, C coigc W- Fisher, Joshua F . Opdyke, Joseph H . Hicks, Seth B . B ow ­ man, N . W. Stecker, Benjamin Evans, William Ross. Meetings arc held on the first Fritlay o f each month in the Evans building. The 1914 O ther Lodges officers w ere: W orshipful master, Kolamj O. B rockw ay; senior warden, Ernest H. Berwick EncamiHnent. N o. 1 3 1, Knights o f S tin er; junior warden, Herman T . W aldncr; K horassan; Berwick Council, No. 176, R oyal treasurer, John V. Evans, P .M .; sccreta^, .Arcanum; Pcwaukcc T ribe, No. 240, Im ­ Jan w s E . Smith. P. M .; trustees, Charles T. proved O rder o f Red M en; Tuscawilla Coun­ Steck. M., Stephen C. Seiple, P. M., Miles cil. No. >56. Daughters o f Pocahontas; B e r­ S.^ Bredbcnner, P. .M.; representative in grand wick Council. N o. 698. Ju n io r O rder United lodge, John C . Crisman, P . M . Past masters .American M echanics; Berwick Castle, No. by service: Jolm H . T aylor, Frank E . Brock­ 249, Knights of the Golden E a g le; Berwick way, John F . Woo<lin, J . F . Hicks, J . E Bit- Conclave, No. 783. I. O . H .; A cric No. 12 8 1,

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icnbender, David H. 'ntom ton, William A. Fraternal O rder o f l--aglcs; Berwick Tent, No. Baucher. W. S . Heller, Henry C . Angstadt. 282. Knights o f (he Maccabees. John W. Everard, Benjamin F . Crispin, J r ., Robert G . Crispin, William E . Sm ith, Juliu s UKJKWICK (EM ETIO IY ASSOCIATION H oft, John W. Evan.s, J . Simpson Kline, Elias P. Rohbach, John A . Kepner, William T . T his association w as composed o f plot Entery. Jam es E . Smith. Charles T . Steck. G. holders in the old cemetery and was formed in Fred M iller, Elm er E . G arr. Jdnnings U . 1873 punw se o f securing control, by Kurtz, W illiam L . Houck, Barton D. Freas, purchase or otherwise, of the grounds, thereby William D. Kline, Jcssc Y . Glenn, Charles H. to be enabled to improve and carc for the Dorr, Henry P . Field, Jr ., William E . Elmcs. graves. T he land had been given to four rcFrank E.. I’atien. Nelson W . Bloss, Stephen igious denominations by Kvan Owen. In C . Seiple. Horton J . Kirkendall, M iles S . M ay, 18 8 1. the association acquired control o f Bredbcnner. Dayton L . Ranck. John C . C ris­ the land and immediately commenced the w ork man. Non-affiliatcd past n u tter, O laf F. o f improvement, which has gone on without interruption up to the present time. T he first Ferris. officers of the association w ere: H . C . Freas, president: C B. Jackson, secretary; O. H . P. K nights o f Malta Kitchen, treasurer and su|>erintendent. Susquehanna Commamlcry. No. 18, Ancient UKRWICK HOSPITAL and Illustrious Knights o f M alta, was. insti­ tuted at Berwick Aug. 25. 1887, with A . E . T he Berwick Hospital Association was o r­ Shuman as commander. Starlin g with a mem­ bership o f seventy-two, it has grown steadily ganized in Jan u ary, 1905. 'Phe ladies o f B er­ and subst.'intially until in 19 14 it numbers 23b wick were instrumental in collecting the funds meiubers. Being a religious, beneficial and to furnish (he first building, which was owned fraternal organization, it has drawn to its hy C . R. Woodin and accommodated twentyroster many of the best and most influential two patients. T he first officers of the associa-
