Page:Historical and Biographical Annals of Columbia and Montour Counties, Pennsylvania, Containing a Concise History of the Two Counties and a Genealogical and Biographical Record of Representative Families.pdf/268

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continued in office until 1886. H e has had A ndrew M cH enry in turn. It w as then con­ but two successors, his nephew Jo h n V . M c­ verted into a p;i|)cr mill, using rye and oat straw Henry and the present postm istress, M rs. M i- fu r the m anufacture o f wrapping paper, the randy B . H ess. There are at present three first lo m ake paper being C. B . M cH enry. It post offices in this township, Stillw ater, F ish ­ w as then bought by C . A . and P erry D. W esley ing Creek and F orks. O ther points are sup­ and operated from 1894 to 1908. A fte r that plied by the rural routes.

  • G. O . Stau ffer ran it fo r two years, turning it

The industries of the town arc fe w, m ost o f back to the W esleys a fte r that time. From tlicm having been dependent on the supply of 19 10 to 1 9 1 3 the Im pervious Paper Com pany timber in the past. T h e planing mill estab­ o f Scranton operated the w orks fo r the pro­ lished by T . H . E d g a r in 18 7 7 w as abandoned duction o f a fine grade o f cartridge paper, a fte r in 19 13. which the factory reverted to the ow nership of West of the town w as the saw m ill o f Peter the W esleys fo r the last time. During the busy Appleman, built in 18 3 3 and operated first by 'days of the paper mill quite a large settlement waterpower and later by steam. Fro m 18 36 to arose around the w orks, but a fte r its closing 1890 it w as operated by P . & M . Applem an. It down these homes were abandoned, and the place lias now but a few caretakers living near b out o f u se at present. B. F ra n k E d ^ r built a distillery at V an it. T h e W esleys have the entire plant on the Camp in 18 7 4, in 1886 m oved it to Stillw ater, m arket, and should be able to dispose o f it read­ ran it till 18 9 8 and then sold it to his son, A l­ ily, for there is an abundance o f raw stock at fred H . E d g a r, and Clem. G . Beishline. It hand and ample pow er lo convert it into profitanever w a s a paying proposition here and w as hlc mcrcliandise. 'Flic outfit o f machinery is lioally d o se d . complete ami m odem, consisting o f two 48-mch The v illa g e o f Stillw ater w as cut o ff from l>apcr machines, tw o licatcrs, one Fbhingcrcek township and became a borough H o m -Jo rd an engine fo r preparing stock, and Sept. 3 5, 1899. T h e first election held in No­ a number o f finishing machines. T h e power vember resu lted in the installation of these plant consists o f three Alcock turbines o f 25, officials: D an iel M cH en ry, b u rg ess; C harles 40 and J15-h orscpow er, respectively; four Wesley, B . K . Pealer, W. L . M cH en ry, M oses steam engines, a 200-horscpow cr W right C or­ McHenry. T . H . R dgar, J . B . K arn s, J . N . M c­ liss. and one 140. one 35 and one 8-horsepowcr Henrv. cou n cilm en; C liarles W esley, 1. W . E d ­ slide valve engines. T h ree boilers o f 100 horsegar, *r. H. iM lgar, E. P . Bender, A . B. M c­ jKiwcr each form the steam m aking battery. Henrv-, K . K . W agner, school directo rs; M . M. T h e Stillw ater Inn is managed by G eorge B . McHmrv-. E . B . Beishline, ju stic e s; W . Girton, Drc.shcr. W . J . Sm ith is a veterinary surgeon D. W. M cH en ry, overseers of the poor. resident in the town. Cam p N o. 5 5 1 . P. O . S. In this sm all municipality o f 17 9 inhabitants o f .A., has a hall here and a large membership. tbcrc are tw o churches, a schoolhousc. a large store, some shops, a planing mill and some JONhSTOWN handsome an d well kept residences. N otwithstanding its name, this village is Stillwater has been the home o f a numlicr of the prom inent and valuable citizens of the scarcely n w rc than a hamlet in 19 14 . In the county, am ong them being Daniel M cH enry, jiast, how ever, it w as a somewhat pretentious in 1863 county treasurer, a man o f sterling place, having two names, one from its founder worth; E . I. .McHenry, who represented the and the other given it by the post office dci»artcounty in the Legislatu re from 1874 to 18 7 8; mcnt. which established the office o f Fish in g­ Cyrus B . M cH en ry, an associate ju d g e : M oses creek here in 18 15, with Benjam in Jo n e s as McHenry, probably the oldest merchant in the postmaster. T h e present one is a descendant o f county, slilt conducting a store in the to w n; the first and bears the name o f A . W . Jones. and 0 . D. M cH en ry, an extensive luml>er dealer H e and Bolich Bros, arc the storekeepers in the and prominent in the affairs of the borough. village. T h ere is also an excellent unlicensed Miss M ay M cH en ry, a ilaughler o f Daniel M c­ hotel here, kept by M r. Kunkel. Henry. lives in her father's old home with her Beniam in Jo n e s settled at the site o f Jo n e s­ widowed m other and brother. O . D ., .md has town in 1809 and soon thereafter built a saw ­ more than l<Kal fam e fo r her literary ability. mill. In i 8 i i he .added a gristm ill, running it .A gristmill w as built at the mouth o f R aven until 1849. w h at he died and his sons, Jam es creek, just below Stillw ater, by one of the P at­ X . and R ichard, inherited them. In 18 57 they tersons about 1865. and w as successfully oper­ separated. R ichard taking the saw m ill and ated by E . J . M cIIcn ry, .Andrew .Aikman and Jam es N .. in partnership with his brothcr-in-