Page:Historical and Biographical Annals of Columbia and Montour Counties, Pennsylvania, Containing a Concise History of the Two Counties and a Genealogical and Biographical Record of Representative Families.pdf/27

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N ejbard, S oA u d ............ 110« MO NoM FoisiJy ...................... 1037 Nuas F a o U y ......................... !032| Nuaa, Jeremiah B . .....1 0 3 2 Ogleeby F a m il y ............133 Uglceby, O c o r g e .......................133 Oglesby, Ur. JatBca.......... 322. 133 Oglesby, W illiam V ........ 22jL 133 Obi. Boyd T .............................1007 OtJ F a m ilie s )007, n i l Ohl, ktichae) T ....................... 1111 Oliver Fam ily ....................... I I 66 Oliver, W illiam 0 ..................1)06 Oman F a m ily ......................... 1 1 10 Oman, Tbomoe 0 ....................1 1 1 0 Ortb, W illiom I I ................... 869 Oswald, Mr$. A ooe 0 ........... Oswald Fam ily .................... fi26 QweD. Uudaon .........................955 Oxiey Family ....................... 1228 Oxley, Lewia ......................... 12 28 Oyster F a m ily ....................... 887 ii^ster, (leorgs N ..................... 887 l^dcn , Claud C ...................... 994 Faden. David F .......................995 l^irker Fam ily ................... 1244 Ihirker, Tbeodore ..................1244 l^ lr ie k Fam ily ..................... 1247 lY itm k , Ous ......................... 1247 Patten. Robert S.. M. D. .325. 655 Paules F a m ily ....................... 1008 Paules, Villiam IC, M. D - . . ..................................... 32^ 1008 Peckbam, Aaron K ............... £6 Pen u , E. D .............................1259 Peters, E dvard W . ............... 211 Petrovits Fam ily ................... 332 Petrovits. Ksx*. Joseph J« C .. 332 P e tty Fsm ily .........................945 Pfshler Family .......................£00 P/ablor. James F .....................333 Pfahlcr, John E ..................... 1059 Phillips F a m ilie s 788, 1253 Phillips, U w is K ..................... 788 Phillips. Ralph Q ................... 1253 Ploeh. Frrdende ..................... 821 Poe Fam ily .......................... 31L Polie Famtly .........................1120 Pohe. Stephen C ..................... 1 12 0 Polk Fam ily ........................ I l l Polk, Rufiis K ........................ H i. Pollock Fam ilr .................... 700 Pollock, Judge James 68* Z H Pojiock. James B ................... 700 Price F a m ilie s ................. 496. 947 Price, Thomas J .......................133 Price. W illiam R ................... 947 Pxirpur, K d w a n l.......................459 Pnrpiir F a m ily ........... 459 Pursel F a m ilie s ............... 432. 4£L 5 ^ i3SL 820. 1079. 1109 Pu r«-l. TVank P .................... 121 Pursel. Henry J ..................... 1079 Pur»el, Jasper K ................... Pursel. J o n a th a n .............. 1109 Pursel. Norman 8 ................... 505 Purse). W illiam 0 ................. SOO Pursell Family ................... 738 Quick Fam ily .........................783 Quick. John 0 .......................... 783

BIOGRAPHICAL INDEX Qukk, W illiam G ................... 783 Quigg, lliom aa ..................... 323 Wuigg, VVilUom ..................... 323

Roden hoffer, G e o r g e ............. 943 Roderick, David M ................. 8S3 Koderkk Famtly ................... 0S3 Kogerv, David J ..................... 1330 Rogers, TJuhuos J ................. 694 Rogers, W illiam J ................. C94 Robrbs^h Fam ily ..................1215 Kubrbocii, L o re u o D .............. 1315 Kook Fam ily ......................... 1028 Rote Fam ily ........................ £ £ i KoU*, George L ...................... 5£I Koup Fam ily ......................... 1I44 Roup, W illia m ....................... 1144 R one Fam ily ........................ 869 Rowe, George L ...................... H69 Kowe, J o lu t............................ 790 Kowc, Richard W ................... 790 Rowe, Mrs, 8anib................... 790 Rueh F a m ilie s 843, 1090 Ruch, H e n r y .......................... £2A Kuch, W illiam F .................... 221 Ruhl, Robert J ...................... £££ Runyan, Mra. Ann M aria 1189 Runyan, Elmer W ..................1)M9 Rupert Fam ily ................... 506 Russell Fam ily ..................... 1358 Hussidl. W illiam M. 0 .......... 1358 Rutter Family ...................... I l l Rutter. John C.. J r................. i U Ryan Family ........................ 871 Ryan, Jamea ...........................871

Rttudall, Charles E ................. 5*5 Randall F a m i l y ..................... 5s5 Rank. Daniel V............... 211j 854 Hank Fam ily .......................... 854 Hank, Jaaac ............................ 233 Riiseiey, Chorlsa A ............... 221 Koeeley Famtly ..................... 573 Kaup, Abniham L ....................1061 Kaup Fasiily ......................... 1061Rvagan, George L., M. D 597 Kcttgan, Mrs. T illie £ ..............51U 1 Rcbmon. Samuel C ................... 871 Reed F a m ilie s 691, 1083 Kec<U Guy A ...........................1083 Heed, J. O rv iik ...................... 941 Reedy, Daniel ...................... 791 Reedy Famtly ...................... 791 Keese. Charles K ..................... 809 Keese F a m ily ........................ 809 Keifsnyder Family ............... 789 Hetfsnyder, K arl P ................. 789 Reiter, A u g u s tu s 1183 Reiter lY m ily ....................... 1183 R em ky, David .......................1036 Remley Fam ily .......... .1180 Reynolds F a m i l y ................... 927 Reynolds. Theodore ............. 926 Rhswn Fam ily .................... 4H1 Rhavn, W illiam l i ................. i £ l Sondcl, John M. D . . .323. 694 Rhinard Family ....................12 2 6 Sands Family ......... H22 RhcMidA Fam ilv ..................... 634 Sands. W illiam B ................... 1 1 2 1 Rbo<lf«, B. K .......................... i l l Savage Fam ily ................ 1045 Rhodes, John ........................ 292 •Sarngr, Ceorgo N ....................1045 SavuI ^ Family ..................... 1221 Richard. Frederick J ............. 493 .........1221 Richard. Jacob P ................... 131 Savidge, Ralph A Scnrlet Fam ily .................... 440 Richanlson F a m i l y ............... 483 Richardson, John L ............... 131 Scarlet, J a m e a ................. 318. 440 Richie, i l W ...........................1127 Sclilee, F red erick ....................1083 Ricketts, E d v a r d ................... 930 Schlee, Peter ......................... 1083 Ricketts. George E ................. 930 Schott FVmily ....................... 1237 Rider. IJovd T ...................... 597 Schott, Thomas A ................. 123(W Ritiard, Aiiraluim L ............... fi£H Schram Family .......................764 Kinard F a m i l y ...................... 607 Schrntn, 5fartio I I ................. 784 Rinard. Joacph U ................... ££2 Schultz Fam ily .................... 499 Kingrose. Aaron ................... 971 Schultz. Dr. Solomon 8 . . . 332. 433 RingroM*. W illiam R ............. 971 Schwepprohciscr, Abram. 806, 817 Rishel. Durance R ................. 43t Schwcppcnbciscr Familiea . . . Rishel Fam ily ...................... 121 ............................ 805. 817, 1237 Riahel. James P .................... 862 Schweppenheiser, W illiam C . . 1237 Kbhel. J<^n R ...................... 862 Seehkr Fam iliea.. . .717, 867, 870 Hittenhouse Fam ily ..............1171 SrehW , I L B. D .......................338 Hitienhouse. Mark £ .............. 1171 Seehkr, Jacob .........................2h5 R itter Fam ily ....................... 1227 Srcbler. kfrs. Mary C .............. 582 Ritter. F o n esi N ....................1227 Scehler. M. I V L a fa y e t t e .... 717 Robbins Fam ily ................... £12 Scchler. .Mrs. Rosanna..............718 Robbins, James E.. hL D. 39i. 5 i? Sechler. S a m u e l ............. £22 Robinson, Edwin H.................1132 Sechler. W illiam A ............... 718 Robinson Fam ily ..................1132 Seelv. Co), Andrew D ........... 856 Robinson, John M ................1133 Seelv Farnmes ............... 739. 858 Robinson, Joseph J ................1134 Seelv. S. B r itt........................ 739 Robinson. Thomas C . . . . . . . . 90S Sehlel. A lfred F .......................858 Robinson, W illiam M 1132 Scldel. Arren E ............... 393* 859 Robinson. tViltiam R . ....... 902 Seidel. (Tarence W ............... 859 Robison F a m i l y .......................56a SeuW F a m ille n ............... 714, 858 Roluson, James B ................ Seidel. Josei>h B .......................7)4 Robison. 51iM Martha E . . . . 56k Seidel. Mrs, f^ucy C . ............. 859 Rockefelter, Judge W illiam M. 312 Seiple Fam ily ................... 1085 Rodcnhoffer Fam ilv ......... 943 vSeiple. Stephen C ................. 10$5