Page:Historical and Biographical Annals of Columbia and Montour Counties, Pennsylvania, Containing a Concise History of the Two Counties and a Genealogical and Biographical Record of Representative Families.pdf/310

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was copper to be found in small pockets here tracks were tom up, the little village relapsing and (here, hut not in paying quantities. A fte r into its fom ier state o f repose. a s t r u ^ le to make good the projK rty w as sold Crassm ere P a rk is a station on the D, & S. by the sh eriff, and to-day there rem ains only road and consists o f a store, a saw m ill and the the dilapidated and rotting buildings and the verdant resort from which it acquired its fallen smokestack to m ark this gra%'e o f high name. W hen the road first ojicned the park hopes and wasted <lo)lars. w as laid out fo r the {latronage o f excursion­ ists. It w as fitted with a dancing pavilion, SM .M .I. S E T T I.E U E N T S kitchen, booths, tables, sw ings, etc., and w as su()plie«I with w ater from an excellent spring. During all the jwriotl o f its known history F o r a time it w as {latronized, but by 1 9 1 3 it Sugarloaf has l>ecn a popular resort fo r the bad rcla|iscd into its wild condition o f form er hunter and fisherman. In the early days hunt­ times. ing w as (he ch ief occupation o f ntany of the POST O F F IC E S settlers, and fishing followed in point o f food value. .t present the hunting is almost a C en lral post office w as established in 1836, thing of the past and fisliing is rapidly passing under the name o f Cam pbell, through the exe r­ away with the dc])lction of the stream s of their tions o f a doctor o f that name. A fte r his niiny {Kipulation. N otwithstanding severe Ic- removal the office w as discontinued until 1850, ^ 1 penalties dynam iting and seining are prac- when Peter H ess w*as commissioned. Joshu a tice<l hy "fish h o gs" and the trout and bass H ess succeeded him in 18 6 1, H enry H ess in arc becoming scarce with lamentable rapidity. 1876 and E lijah H ess in 1886. Nestled am ong the towering mountains a C ole's C reek w as first known a s S u g arlo a f. short distance above Jam ison C ity, near a and the ofBce o f ]x>stniaster w as held by memclear trout stream, stands an old-fashioncil licrs of the Cole fam ily until the abandonment house, with large ixirchcs, that for many years of the local delivery. Cuat'a w as established in was widely known as "Hilly- Cole’s.” It was 1883, with .Andrew I,aul)ach in charge. The a popular resort fo r the Bloom sburg {leuple only offiees in the townshiji now are Cole’s who were fond o f fishing in the well stockctl C rcck, Jam ison C ity and E lk (irovc. O ther mountain stream s, and fo r (hose w-ho sought (Hiinls arc served by (he rural routes. rest in (he solitude of the forests and hills. It was the home o f goo<t cooking, few serving S C K 0 0 1.S brook trout as well as M rs. Cole. A fte r her in the early days suhscri]ition schools were husliand's death the place and (he fi.shing in v ( ^ e in the township, the first of privileges w ere leased In a clnh fo r a time, finally passing into the hands o f M arry Miller, being taught by Philip Fritz in a log building who carries it on with some of the reflected which then .stood on the site o f S t. (iab riers church. T he first {lublic schoolhousc w as built glory of the past. on W est crcck. U(X3n the establishment o f Elk C rot'e is a hamlet located about a mile above Central on the west branch o f Fishing the public school system, in 18 37, the fo llo w ­ rreek, and consists o f about a dozen dw ell­ ing w ere elected directors; John Lauliach. ings. a store and the " F lk G rove H o tel." kept W illiam Hohcrts. M atthias Ap|>Icman. Henryb>- J . V. P errv. who has conducted it fo r many F ritz. Sam uel Kricklmum and W illiam ¥.. years and huilt up a deserved reputation for kolKTts. T w o schools w ere opened. H ess’s and Cole’s Crcck. In 1885 there were seven •enlce. T h e structure is a three-story fram e, stands on the site o f an old public house once schools in the tow-iiship. A t present there are twelve schools in the keiit by memliers of the H ess fam ily, and is township, including a fine high school building, one of the best appointed n iral inns in this section of the State. T h is spot w as long the o f which .. S. Fritz has l>een (he priiici{)al Mopping place fo r travelers o ver the I^apiortc from the lieginning. O ther statistics m ay be turnpike. D uring the lumbering boom the vil­ found in tlic chapter on schools. T he school directors fo r 19 14 a r c : G eorge lage was a scene o f some activity. T h e Pente­ K linger, Irvin Dihz. W’illiam P erry, J . M. 'ancost I.umbcr Com panv built a railroad to con­ nect with the RIoomsliurg & Sullivan road at Sickle. W illiam Brink. Central, which passed through the town and RF.t.IGIOUS for several m iles further up the creek. The Pentecost Com pany w as absorbed by the Cen­ M r. Godhard, the {lioneer {latriarch o f this tral Pennsylvania Com pany and in 19 12 (he township, w as a member of the Established