Page:Historical and Biographical Annals of Columbia and Montour Counties, Pennsylvania, Containing a Concise History of the Two Counties and a Genealogical and Biographical Record of Representative Families.pdf/324

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and die. A man named Runyon, it was gravely related, went there to dig after Emmel had and left his digging implements. He, J oy B i t t y ............................................. too, fled in terror before the spooks and went ^ 0. Irw in ...................................... ........ off and died. D zv id C * r r ............................................... 7 Jzcot> C a f f ................................................ 7 6 W il l ia m C l a r k, in company with his G ilbert V u o rh e i ...................................... 7 6 brother John, kept C lark's tavern, which stood W m . Moftq^omery. J r, . ........................... 3 0 0 James H en ry ........................................... 0 where the Brown building now stands on Mill W iU iam C ra y .......................................... 7 6 street. The old building was burned down in Aaalicl F o w le r ............... ......................... 7 6 1835 or 1836. Benjam in F o w le r .................................... 17 6 A n d r e w C o c h r a n died many years ago. R obW t Henry ....... .............................. 6 VN'i l l i a m C r o w l e was a stonemason and amea Crim ea ........................................... IS 0 i la rtio T o d d ............................................ s 0 helped build the old still. P e te r M elick ................... ....................... T h o m a s G a s k i n s and fam ily were among 7 6 W m . M o n t g o m e r y .......................................... 3 0 0 the earliest settlers here. He had six chil­ John E vart ...................................................... 1 0 0 dren: John. Jonathan, Thomas, M rs. Polly K m Black ......................................................i 0 0 McMullin, M rs. Betsy Forsyth and Rachel niel K e lly .................................................. IS 0 0 0 (unm arried). Of these, Jcdin was born here P eter Ram bo ......... I , ohn Em m el ................................................... 1$ 0 in 1775 and died in 1856. H e was the father ohn C lark ...................................................... I 0 0 o f VilIiam G . Gaskins, born in 18 17, who died A n d re w Cochran ...........................................1 JO 0 a number o f years ago. A le x . M cM ullan ............................................ IS 0 There is extant the constitution of the Male Thom aa Cilea ................................................. 7 6 Robert Gilea ................................................... 7 6 Sunday school o f Danville, which gives a num­ W illia m Lem ar ............................................. 0 ber of other names of the early settlers here. W illia m M orelan d ........... t 2 6 These names arc as follow s: Ira Daniels. John W h eeler ............................................... IS 0 Jam es Humphreys, Jam es Monlgomery. W il­ U v i W h eeler ................................................. 7 6 G arret Vancam p ............................................ 7 6 liam Wilson, Josiah McClure, John Irwin, John O gden ................................................... 7 6 William Whitaker, Jerem iah Evans, William 10 0 L em oel W h eeler ........................................... D a rid (m odm an .............................................I 2 6 Woods. Joseph Fruum an, D. C . Barrett, W. Montgomery, John Russel, Charles M . Frazer. Joaeph Roaeberry, J r.......................................I 10 0 R e v . W iL i.tA M H. M o n t (X)M£ r y, son o f Col. In those (lays distance had but small control John Montgomery and grandson o f (jcn. W il­ in determining where the good people would liam Montgomery, w as M m at Danville about attend divine scn-icc. A n d it is highly prob­ the year 1788. He graduated at Princeton in able that the subscribers above named in­ the class o f 1808. studied th c o lc ^ with Rev. cluded families from every settlement in the John B. Patterson, pastor of the Mahoning I'resbyterian Church, and was licensed to county. P e t e * D i . e w ( B l i -e ) liv e d in V a lle y to w n ­ prcacii Nov. 12, 18 16 . On Feb. 19, 18 2 1, he ship, a g o o d m an and a m uch esteem ed n e ig h ­ was ordained to the gospel ministry and im­ mediately with his wife, Jan e Robinson, left b o r a m o n g his fa r m e r n eigh bors. OMK W11.SOK, we are told, was a Quaker. as a missionary to the Osage Indians, in In­ dian Territory, where fo r more than thirty ^ n, Thomas and W illiam lived many years years he labored zealously and successfully m Frosty valley, on the Back road. D a v i d a n d J a c o b C a r r settled ju s t across for his Master. The field was then fa r dis­ tant from his home, the work w as humble, the th e r iv e r fr o m D a n v ille . J o h n E v a r t ( E v e r i t t ) liv e d in F r o s t y v a l- difficulties great, but this brave soldier of the Cross worked with patience and faith, look­ ley. JoH N B l a c k liv e d in D e r r y tow n sh ip, ing for the “ Crown o f Righteousness which the Lord, the Righteous Judge, shall give him w h e r e h e d ie d m a n y y e a rs ago. Jo h n E m m e t lived in Frosty valley. He at that day.” H e died at his post o f duty removed to Bloomsbuig. It is told that he Ju ly 17. 1034, o f .sb tic cholera. Ju iiN D e e n, S r ., the first of the name in w as one o f (he believers in the wild story that the limits o f this county, came here in 17 9 a the Indians, before they left these P«rt8. buried vast treasures o f gold in (his hill. There He was bom in Philadelphia Dec. 22, 1783. was a further wild superstition (hat those who When he w as an infant his father w as lost at attempted to dig and find the hidden treasure sea—a seafaring man in command o f a ves­ wouM be stricken by the spell of the dusky sel. His mother. Eleanor (F ra z ie r) Deen, ghosts, and would flee in terror and pine away was a native o f Scotland, and some of the s.

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P c tc f B lew ............................................... Jno. W ils o o .............................................



